Bending Subset Match 4: Plant Bending vs Metal - TopicsExpress


Bending Subset Match 4: Plant Bending vs Metal Bending Plant: Notable users: Katara, Hama, Huu, Tho, Due, other Foggy Swamp Benders Offensive capabilities: Vine whips, vine ensnarement Defensive Capabilities: Armor creation (depicted) Weaknesses: harder to find plants than other forms of water, or other elements Metal Bending: Notable users: Toph Beifong, Lin Beifong, Suyin Beifong and many of her children, Republic City Police, students of Tophs academy, residents of Zaofu Offensive capabilities: Metal Cable manipulation, destruction of metal objects, launching metal at ones opponent Defensive capabilities: Metal barriers, armor creation Weaknesses: unable to bend some metals (platinum) Voting closes at midnight Eastern time Match 3 Summary: by coin toss (as of posting, lightning and sand were tied in the votes) lightning will advance ~Amon
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:07:47 +0000

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