Beneath the Surface, Carl Jung’s Ideas Are Contrary to Ethics, - TopicsExpress


Beneath the Surface, Carl Jung’s Ideas Are Contrary to Ethics, Philosophy and Theosophy Among the false impressions still accepted in some esoteric and even theosophical circles is the apparently brilliant idea that the works of Carl G. Jung are compatible with the divine wisdom, or with Ethics, or with esoteric philosophy and theosophy. In fact, Jung was against Ethics. He had sympathies for Nazism. He promoted the Ningma book “The Tibetan Book of the Dead”, which purports to teach how to avoid the law of Karma in post-mortem states. There are traces of anti-Semitism in his books. Jung says - with Hitler - that, if a falsehood is believed, then such falsehood is true. This is of course false, as Fromm shows in the following text. It is also obviously anti-theosophical. In his personal correspondence (“Briefe” in German language), Jung wrote that he saw no value in Metaphysics (letter to Mr. S. Iyer, dated 09 January 1939) or in Theosophy (letter to Mr. Oscar Schmitz, dated 26 May 1923). The following text by Erich Fromm clarifies some of the aspects of Jung’s ideas. It shows Jung’s lack of true affinity with divine wisdom or universal ethics. It is reproduced from the book “Psychoanalysis and Religion”, by Erich Fromm, New Haven - Yale University Press, copyright 1950, third printing, 1961, 120 pp., Chapter II, pp. 10-20, entitled “Freud and Jung”. As to Freud’s position regarding conventional religions, the student of theosophy should take into consideration the Letter 10 of “The Mahatma Letters” (T.U.P. edition, Pasadena, California), in order to understand that, in spite of their obvious limitations, Freud’s views have, after all, various important points in common with the esoteric philosophy, and Ethics and respect for truth are not the least among them.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 03:37:44 +0000

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