Beneath this physical frame is a soul much older than the age of - TopicsExpress


Beneath this physical frame is a soul much older than the age of the body encompassing it, A soul that feels its been here before explored many planes of pain, opened doors much like those of older souls that came before her, A silent yearning just to be, be free to live and breath without someone steady trying to dictate every thought, move and speech. free ta run without the confines of metaphorical chains constantly being attached ta her brain, A soul that refuses to relinquish control, determined not to lose the will to create and fulfill her own destiny. Beneath this shell is a beautiful creature often mared by the hatred and sheer animosity seeping thru every crack and crevice because of those that just dont seem to give up and keep pushing her to explode like a pack of sensitive dynamite, Always assuming that shes going to be alright is a mistake too often made day and night, Beneath this skin is a love driven to win, win the fight of life. Win the smiles thru the strife and struggles. A passion that wont given in to the demands of the cowards that want nothing more than to see her as miserable as themselves. A person that so desperately wants to get away from the dark cloud hanging over her head like a black plaque, patiently waiting for the day when someone takes him/It away from her, Beneath this tired body is a spirit that wants to rise from the ashes of weariness and soar inta the sky just like the Phoenix her strong spirit is, Underneath what you see is the Me, that Im meant to and supposed to be!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:47:14 +0000

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