Benefits of Eating Bananas Bananas are high in energy - TopicsExpress


Benefits of Eating Bananas Bananas are high in energy quotient, and are beneficial for people suffering from food aversion. These are rich in fibers, and thus, help in curing constipation. These contain an amino acid - tryptophan, which is converted by the body into serotonin. Serotonin has been known to help in relieving mood disorders and depression. These contain Potassium and Magnesium which help the body in maintaining blood-pressure apart from reducing the risk of various cardio-vascular diseases. Research has found that these are helpful against stomach ulcers. They contain a compound known as protease inhibitor which helps fight unhealthy bacteria in the stomach. They are rich in iron, which help the bodys hemoglobin function. So, it is an ideal fruit for people suffering from anemia. The nutritional benefits during pregnancy are immense as it helps in keeping the sugar levels high and also helps in fighting numerous pregnancy related ailments. Cameron Diaz famously said Grease is the only cure for a hangover. May be she did not try bananas! Banana milkshake sweetened by honey helps to overcome a hangover. It restores blood sugar levels and rehydrates the system, thus helping the body to maintain the necessary water level. They can be really helpful for people who are trying to quit smoking. When one withdraws smoking, the body takes time to get used to the decreased nicotine levels. Vitamin B6 and B12, which are found in bananas help in stabilizing the body and in reducing the withdrawal symptoms. Bananas when mashed with honey and vanilla extracts, help in softening the hair. This is because of the presence of potassium and natural oils in them. They have been found to be helpful in the fight against kidney cancer. The research published in International Journal of Cancer has shown that people eating bananas four to six times a week, halved their risk of developing the disease compared to those who did not eat this fruit. There are reports that eating bananas helps one fight macular degeneration of eyes, i.e. decrease in eyesight in old age. (further research is being carried out on this) According to a study by Thestar - Singapore-based urological experts, men can increase their fertility by eating bananas regularly every three days. So, all you men out there, sit up and take notice! According to reports, people who use banana peel on mosquito bites have experienced reduction in itching and swelling. Also, applying banana-pulp on skin is said to make it supple and soft. The above listed benefits would be of no use if one doesnt know how to store them properly. The ideal way of storing bananas is to keep them at room temperature. If you want to ripen them, you can cover them with a newspaper or brown bag. Storing them in a fridge will make the peel blackish, but they will still be edible. With so many benefits, it wont be wrong to include bananas in the list of super-foods. The advantage it has other fruits is that it is cheap and can be had anywhere at any point of time. I hope after reading this article, you will look up to bananas with awe and include them in your daily diet.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 22:38:39 +0000

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