Benefits of Nutrition Protein Powder Q. 1. Will Nutrilite - TopicsExpress


Benefits of Nutrition Protein Powder Q. 1. Will Nutrilite Protein Powder help in reducing weight? 2. What are the benefits and what is the dose for people who are on a diet? 4. Is this protein of help in pregnancy? 5. For joint pain how does Nutrilite glucosamine HCI with Boswella help and is it only for joint pains or can it be used for pain in other parts of the body? 6. Upto what age can it be taken? A. Protein powders are not recommended as a part of a scientific weight management programme unless an indiviual is unable to meet normal protein requirements through his/her diet. The benefits of such Protein supplements are only when optional nutrition cannot be maintained through a normal diet such as in sickness and convalescence or increased requiremnt as in pregnancy. Since recommendation is questionable,- a dosage schedule may be difficult. In pregnancy, Nutritile may be a useful supplement. It may be advisable to discuss this supplement with an orthopaedic physician or an alternative medicine practitioner. For thousands of years, Eastern cultures have revered mushrooms’ health benefits.1 Mushrooms have long been celebrated as a source of powerful nutrients, but they can also help Americans meet the dietary recommendations set forth in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines and Institute of Medicine’s Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D. Often grouped with vegetables, mushrooms provide many of the nutritional attributes of produce, as well as attributes more commonly found in meat, beans or grains. Mushrooms are low in calories, fat-free, cholesterol-free and very low in sodium, yet they provide important nutrients, including selenium, potassium, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D and more.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 05:38:43 +0000

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