Benefits of Spirulina - for details +919597999243 or - TopicsExpress


Benefits of Spirulina - for details +919597999243 or kpmadesh@gmail The benefits of spirulina are so numerous it (almost) hard to believe, including radiation protection and cancer prevention. The “original” superfood, spirulina is a mix of raw ingredients, which come together to specifically address all the elements of life. In fact, humans could thrive on just eating spirulina and drinking pure spring water. Discover the ultimate superfood for optimal health Spirulina is considered one of the most nutritious and concentrated food sources on the planet. Its protein content is an amazing 60 percent – where meat comes in at 27 percent protein. Spirulina is a biologically complete source of protein which contains all the essential amino acids needed to live. The proteins in spirulina are highly digestible, due to the fact it doesn’t have cellulose walls, like yeast and chlorella. Spirulina has the same calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium as milk, a vitamin level equal to wheat germ and four times as much vitamin B12 as raw liver. Mineral rich food is the key to a long and happy life Spirulina is rich in vitamin K, iodine, magnesium, selenium, manganese, potassium, and zinc, while being the best known sources of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA, a very important fatty acid for the heart). The other essential fatty acid includes sulfolipids, which is thought to be protective against HIV infection of T-cell helpers. Of course, spirulina is known for its phytopigments such as phycocyanin, chlorophyll and carotenoids (the precursor to vitamin A). In addition, if you’re under lots of stress, spirulina is rich in vitamin B1, B2, B6, E, and K. With such a lineup of nutrients you would thing there is just about nothing it can’t do and you would be right. Support healthy brain function with essential amino acids The presence of essential amino acids, in this magnificent algae, has been found to balance brain chemistry by providing the necessary elements for healthy neurotransmitter functioning. It is an amazing alkalizing food and contains about 2,000 enzymes which help break food down into digestible parts. Did you know that Spirulina has the second highest concentration, behind mother’s milk, of omega 6 fatty acid? Spirulina contains many other life-supportive nutrients such as, iron, copper, and chromium – which is helpful for those suffering from anemia, chronic fatigue or blood sugar issues. Boost your immunity by improving your digestive system Spirulina promotes a healthy digestive system by suppressing the growth of bad bacteria such as, E. coli and candida yeast, while stimulating beneficial flora like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. In 1994, a Russian patent was awarded to spirulina as a medical food to reduce allergic reactions from radiation sickness. Based on testing in 1990, the Belarus Ministry of Health concluded spirulina promotes the evacuation of radiation from the human body, without side effects. Superfood nutrition reduces the threat of radiation toxicity Spirulina offers protection from ionizing radiation and medical diagnostic procedures, which are currently the greatest man-made source of exposure to the general population. Simply put, if you’re looking for a cancer prevention strategy – eat spirulina. The source of your food is everything Not all Spirulina is the same – so it is important to know the source and the manufacturing procedures before you buy it. Organic spirulina has many advantages, in that it is grown without any synthetic compounds. Some of the best areas of the world to buy quality spirulina are Hawaii and India. By the way, you can request the “Certificate of Analysis” from a good company, because there are heavy metals and bacteria levels that need to be measured by law, all producers have it, but may not want to offer that information. The things you want are non-detectable levels of heavy metals, yeast and mold. Since spirulina is one of the top superfoods – it is worth the effort to find responsible sourcing and become a discerning buyer. Spirulina was created with care and inspired by life to protect us from the modern influences on our food supply and heath care industry. Try adding anywhere from a teaspoon to a tablespoon of organic spirulina to green smoothies and experience the health benefits for yourself. Let us know what you think – post your comments below. About the author: Blanche Levine has been a student of natural healing modalities for the last 25 years. She has the privilege of working with some of the greatest minds in natural healing including Naturopaths, scientist and energy healers. Having seen people miraculously heal from all kinds of dis-ease through non-invasive methods, her passion now is to help people become aware of what it takes to be healthy. - See more at: naturalhealth365/food_news/spirulina.html#sthash.Ql97GIiD.IfYeBGdJ.dpuf
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 03:35:38 +0000

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