Bengali land grabbers attack dwellings of indigenous peoples at - TopicsExpress


Bengali land grabbers attack dwellings of indigenous peoples at Ghoraghat upazila in Dinajpur On 6 June 2013 at around 3.00 pm around 200 Bengali people after being instigated by land grabbers Mohammad Azizar Prodhan of the Bhelain village of Ghoraghat upazila under Dinajpur district attacked the dwellings of indigenous people at Bagjapara, Tibahipara, Raghunathpur and Dighipara of Bulakipur union of Ghoraghat upazila and looted 40 cattle, 60 goats and sheep, and rickshaw, van and bicycle of 65 families. At that time, the miscreants also went on rampage inside the Bulakipur church and beat the staffs and students of the church. Furthermore, they set on fire the houses of indigenous peoples during the attack. At least 15 households of the indigenous peoples were either looted or destroyed by the land grabbers at that time. In these attacks, five indigenous people were injured seriously. Instead of arresting the miscreants, the police arrested at least 7 indigenous villagers. It is learnt that, on that day, at around 9.00 am Nicolas Murmu s/o late Hopna Murmu and Rabon Murmu s/o Thakur Murmu of Bagjapara of Roghunathpur went to nearby Haripara Kanagari market. The latter one went to have a hair cut while the former went for purchasing household goods from the market. At that time Mohammad Rakibul Prodhan and Saiful Prodhan s/o Azizar Prodhan and Mahbubul Prodhan and Ariful Prodhan s/o Mohammad Azahar Prodhan of Bhelain village jointly seized Nikolas Murmu and tied with rope. Later they also forcefully bring out Rabon Murmu from the barber shop in middle of the hair cut and the miscreants continued to beat and torture the two indigenous people. At that time, two police constables of the Ghoraghat police station rescued the captives and escorted to the Bagjapara of the Roghunathpur. When Nikolas Murmu arrived at home, he found that a group of Bengali miscreants led by Mohammad Azizar Prodhan were plucking mango from the mango trees which were planted on their ancestral land by them. At that time the indigenous peoples resisted them in presence of police forces. Therefore, the gang left the spot. The police also left the area at the same time. Just after one hour later, a group of Bengali miscreants numbering around 200 from nearby villages led by Mohammad Azizar Prodhan and his sons equipped with country made sharp weaponries came to the spot and started to pluck the mango again. When the indigenous villagers tried to prevent them a clash started between them. As the indigenous peoples were totally outnumbered they retreated from the clash. But the Bengali land grabbers started to attack on the indigenous villagers and to loot the valuables of them. At that time the indigenous peoples including men, women, children and elderly people started to flee to save their lives and took shelter in the Bulakipur mission. At that moment, the Bengali attackers forcefully entered to the Bulakipur mission through breaking the gates and boundaries. Then the attackers threatened the mission in charge Father Anselmo Mardi s/o late Augustin Mardi and other 26 internee priests using abusive words towards them. In the same time, the miscreants attacked on the manager of the mission Albrekus Mardi and hit on his head. Similarly they beat the intern priest Noresh Hembrom s/o Sakla Hembrom. The attacks continued from 11.00 am to 02.30 pm. During the attack one of the land grabbers Mohammad Murshidul Prodhan, nephew of Azizar Prodhan died in heart attack half kilometer away from the spot. After spreading the news of his death, the attackers amplified their assault. The land grabber Azizar Prodhan made propaganda that indigenous villagers killed the deceased. Although the police of Ghoraghat police station were present at the spot, they failed to take necessary actions and to ensure the security of the indigenous victims. Observing the irresponsibility of the police of the Ghoraghat police station, the helpless indigenous peoples requested for interference of Superintendent of Police (SP) of Dinajpur district. The SP immediately took measures to send 27 riot police from the Dinajpur police line. The situation came under control and calmed down when a group of riot police led by an Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) arrived at the spot. But at that time, the police force of the Ghoraghat police station arrested 7 innocent indigenous people instead of arresting the land grabbers who attacked on the indigenous peoples. The arrestees were taken to the Ghoraghat police station and later were sent to the jail. They are still in the police custody. After two days of the hostility, on 8 July 2013 the land grabbers burnt down the house of Nikolas Murmu. As a result his house was totally burnt to the ashes. Currently the police are guarding the Bulakipur mission. The police recovered few of the looted valuables of the indigenous peoples and gave them back to the owners. Following this incident, Father Anselmo Mardi s/o late Augustin Mardi, Head Priest of Mariyaumpur Mission and In-charge of Bulakipur Jishu Dhyan Nilay, filed cases (case no. 06/101 dated 08-06-2013) with Ghoraghat police station against 26 persons including (1) Md. Azizar Pradhan, (2) Halim Pradhan, (3) Harun Pradhan and (4) Mamunur Pradhan, all are son of late Hanif Pradhan from Bhelain village of Ghoraghata upazila charging looting and torture. Ms. Shanti Kisku d/o Lokkhira Kisku from Raghunathpur (Tibahipara) filed a case (case no. 07/102 dated 11-06-2013) with Ghoraghat police station against 26 persons including (1) Md. Azizar Pradhan, (2) Halim Pradhan, (3) Harun Pradhan and (4) Mamunur Pradhan, all are son of late Hanif Pradhan from Bhelain village of Ghoraghata upazila charging looting and torture. Ms. Sabina Baske w/o Kartik Murmu from Raghunathpur (Bagjapara) filed another case (case no. 10, dated 14-06-2013) with Ghoraghat police station against (1) Kabirul s/o Mofajjal of Bhelain village, (2) Ariful s/o Jahangir of Haripara village, (3) Meherul s/o Tufan of Chourigachha village, (4) Rimon s/o Rahul of Haripara village, (5) Malek s/o Abed Ali of Baratipur, (6) Nuri s/o Azizar of Bhelain village charging looting and arson attack. On the other hand, Mohammad Mahbubul Alam s/o Azahar Ali of Bhelain village of Ghoraghat upazila filed a false case (case no. 03/98, dated 06-06-2013) against 36 indigenous villagers including (1) Nicolas Murmu, (2) Khoka Murmu and (3) Upin Murmu charging killing and beating of Mohammad Murshidul Prodhan. Mentionable, Raghunathpur village is indigenous inhabited area. The indigenous peoples have been living in this village for generations. In this area one Nikolash Murmu, s/o Hopna Murmu and their clansmen have been enjoying their inherited property for long time. On the other hand, the influential Awami League leader Azizar Prodhan, s/o late Hanif Prodhan has been trying to occupy this land property. The local indigenous peoples accused that Azizar Prodhan has been trying to occupy the land through violating the East Bengal Tenancy Act-1950, treachery and making false documents. Moreover, he has been harassing indigenous peoples through filing false charges against them. Currently the indigenous peoples of the area are absconding from their village due to the false charges filed by the Bengali land grabbers. They are also not able to go to the market due to the panic of attack and insult by the attackers. Also, the land grabbers and miscreants are continuously threatening them to kill and evict from their land. The local administration has not provided with relief to the indigenous victims. The indigenous day laborers are unable to go out for their daily work. In these attacks, five indigenous people were injured seriously. They were identified as- Nikolas Murmu, s/o late Hopna Murmu, Roghunathpur (Bagjapara); Rabon Murmu, s/o Thakur Murmu, Roghunathpur (Bagjapara); Albrekus Mardi, s/o late Karlus Mardi, Bulakipur mission, Roghunathpur; Noresh Hembrom (internee priest), s/o Sakla Hembrom, Bulakipur mission, Roghunathpur; Patras Mardi, s/o Gabriel Mardi, Bulakipur mission, Roghunathpur. Following the attack by the land grabbers, in stead of arresting the miscreants, the police arrested at least 7 indigenous villagers namely- Noren Kisku, s/o late Lokkhiram Kisku, Roghunathpur village (Tibahipara) Katich Baske s/o Padu Baske, Roghunathpur village (Tibahipara) Sakil Mardi, s/o Jetha Mardi, Roghunathpur village (Tibahipara) Bimol Hembrom (17), s/o Jagan Hembrom, Roghunathpur village (Tibahipara) Rubel Murmu (14), s/o Komolesh Murmu, Roghunathpur village (Tibahipara) Samuel Murmu (17), s/o Jalu Murmu, Roghunathpur village (Bagjapara) Rabon Murmu , s/o Thakur Murmu, Roghunathpur village (Bagjapara). The victims of the looting and description of the damages: Jorge Baske, s/o late Kobiraj Baske of Roghunathpur (Tibahipara) (one out of two looted cattle got back, one van, one bag of rice and two bag of paddy did not get back); Robin Mardi,s/o late Luis Mardi of Roghunathpur (Tibahipara) (one out of two looted cattle got back. One harmonium did not get back and his house was totally ransacked); Rabon soren, s/o late Dokkhin Soren of Roghunathpur (Tibahipara) ( one van, one cattle and two bicycle did not get back); Amin Baske, s/o late Gonesh Baske of Roghunathpur (Tibahipara) ( five out six cattle got back but his boundary was destroyed by the attackers); Babulal Hembrom, s/o Jogon Hembrom of Roghunathpur (Tibahipara) ( seven looted goats did not get back); Jogon Hembrom, s/o late Renga Hembrom of Roghunathpur (Tibahipara) ( one goat did not get back); Biswanath Baske, s/o late Baburam Baske of Roghunathpur (Tibahipara) (he got back his three cattle and two sheep but all utensil were looted); Shanti Kisku, w/o Dukhu Hasda of Roghunathpur (Tibahipara) (two cattle and one goat got back out of two cattle and two goats); Sobhan Baske, s/o late Pandu Baske of Roghunathpur (Tibahipara) ( one goat, beds and bed sheets, clothes were looted and did not get back); Shanti Kisku, w/o Lokkhiram Hembrom of Roghunathpur (Tibahipara) ( ten hens and five ducks were looted); Jalu Hembrom, s/o late Geta Hembrom of Roghunathpur (Bagjapara) ( seven cattle were looted and got back all cattle); Subash Hasda, s/o Murol Hasda of Roghunathpur (Tibahipara) ( four cattle were looted and got back all cattle); Baghrai Murmu, s/o late Hori Murmu of Roghunathpur (Bagjapara), (six cattle were looted and got back all cattle); Rabon Murmu, s/o Thakur Murmu of Roghunathpur (Bagjapara) (a bicycle was looted); Father Anselmo Mardi, s/o late Augustin Mardi, priest of Mariumpur mission and in charge of Bulakipur mission (240 kg rods, utensils, jackfruit and mango were looted). ON 11 June 2013 the Jatiya Adivasi Parisad and Adivasi Samaj Unnyan Samity formed a human chain in front of Deputy Commissioner’s office on Dinajpur district to press home their 5 points demand protesting the attack, arson and looting. They also submitted a memorandum to Deputy Commissioner and Police Super of Dinajpur. The 5-point demands include immediate arrest and exemplary punishment of the persons involved with the heinous incident, recovery and return of the looted cattle, goats, other stuffs to the victim’s family members as early as possible, compensation to the affected people, unconditional release of arrested indigenous people who were held in false cases, security to be ensured for the attacked villages and an immediate end of discrimination on them. The National Coalition on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) sent a team led by Prof. Mesbah Kamal to visit the spot in Dinajpur on 14 June 2013 and following the visit, it organised a press conference on 20 June 2013 in Dhaka where it demanded to arrest the attackers, to release arrested indigenous villagers immediately and to provide adequate compensation to the victims. Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Forum and Kapaeeng Foundation organised a discussion on attack on indigenous peoples on 9 July 2013 following a on-site inquiry of civic rights team led by eminent human rights defender Pankaj Bhattacharya. Civic rights activists protested against arrest of innocent indigenous villagers instead of arrest land grabbers and attackers. They demanded to arrest the attackers, to release arrested indigenous villagers immediately and to provide adequate compensation to the victims. Kapaeeng Foundation (A Human Rights Organization for Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh)
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 16:17:15 +0000

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