Bengazi we need no other scandal Our president ordered 4 US - TopicsExpress


Bengazi we need no other scandal Our president ordered 4 US citizens to be killed Their standing orders WERE changed. Now then…WHO gave that change of orders? WHO COULD give that change of orders??? Only one person. Only ONE can alter such a standing order and that ONE would have been… OBAMA. Nobody else has the authority to supersede the standing rescue and extract orders. NOBODY. Why am I so sure it HAD to be Obama? Simple. Dempsey stated, “THEY WERE TOLD…” not “I told them…” and the ONLY heads to roll after Benghazi were those of General Carter Ham and Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette…BOTH OF WHOM WANTED TO SEND MILITARY ASSETS TO ASSIST IN RESCUING OUR PEOPLE IN BENGHAZI.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 12:54:07 +0000

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