Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of England, from his novel - TopicsExpress


Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of England, from his novel Coningsby. Disraeli here connects the hidden, baleful influences acting upon proper and lawful government with Jews, or more properly, the immense, disparate and diverse power structure that is Organised Jewry, and thereby alludes to its domination of the Liberal governments of Europe during the past two centuries. Closely allied with this occult domination by Organized Jewry is the influence of Freemasonry: for there is a very close connection of the inner and controlling elements of Freemasonry with the hierarchy of Organised Judaism. This unholy union between certain sections of Organized Jewry and Freemasonry is cemented by the devotion of these occultists to the Kabbalah, the theosophical or theoretical system that arose during the Babylonian exile. Moreover, the Kabbalistic elements introduced into Freemasonry have caused the corruption of the original Craft by acting as the main driving force in the rancorous and aggressive opposition of Freemasonry to Christianity, and its ceaseless efforts to undermine and destroy the Christian organization of society. That is, this changed Kabbalistic infused Freemasonry as the main organ of sedition against Natural Moral Order on Earth. In other words, the original precepts and spirituality of Freemasonry derived from Craftmasonry (i.e. Light Freemasonry) has been debased into Dark Freemasonry by the baneful influence of sinister occult adepts, the Kabbalists, who have infiltrated the Lodges and changed Freemasonry from a vehicle of Truth and Light into one of the main vehicles for the transmission of the Evil Agenda for the destruction of Natural Moral Order on Earth. Freemasonry is thus simply the latest phase of organisation of the forces of Darkness against those of Light, that is, of Evil against Good. Some researchers have identified this unholy union as the Jewish-Masonic power structure that lies behind ostensible democratic government of the world: Coningsby, the New Generation (1844) Benjamin Disraeli (1804-81) was the first Jewish British Prime Minister and in this office bought controlling interest in the Suez Canal and made Queen Victoria the empress of India. Thus, when he wrote about such things as to who really controls the world he spoke with authority. In his fictional book Coningsby he wrote: "Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand . . . "
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 11:55:43 +0000

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