Benjamin Fulford has played his hand and it proves he is a - TopicsExpress


Benjamin Fulford has played his hand and it proves he is a TROLL!!!! I am serious here folks and I am going to prove it in this post. This ALSO means anyone supporting him from this point forward is in on it!!! That includes David Wilcock, Neil Keenen and Drake (who is already on my shit list). 1) About 9 years ago, some people claiming to represent US special forces told the White Dragon Society they had seized the US weather warfare facilities from the cabal after a heavy gunfight. It seems they are now using the weather modification facilities to save lives, not take lives. REALLY???? Then why the hell have they let California, the bread basket of the World die in a drought, allow massive fires to burn with storms that could put them out get deflected to only a few hundred miles away and destroy freeways?????? hmmmm???? 2) A Pentagon psychological warfare expert who contacted this writer last week said the obvious target was the Nazionist controlled Middle Eastern oil Monarchies. The officer, Second Lieutenant Scott Bennett of the 11th Psychological Operations Battalion, opened this Pandora’s box when he was given the job of uncovering terrorist financing. His entire story can be read here: The gist of it is that he went through a long Kafkaesque nightmare because he took his job too seriously and actually traced the source of terrorist financing to his erstwhile employers Booz Allen Hamilton, as well as the Union Bank of Switzerland and Saudi Arabia. He soon figured out that neither the US Congress, nor the US Central Command nor any of the other people at the top of his chain of command were actually interested in cutting off terrorist financing. This was done YEARS ago, so this is OLD News!!! But AWAIT!!!! Who has been funding them? Obama just gave $70 BBBBBillion to Israel for Iron Dome. In Obamas own words: youtube/watch?v=5lCKyZgnuYc 3) Well, now a clear military target has emerged and a comprehensive solution to the never ending “war on terror” is available. As the cabal puppet leaders like US President Barack Hussein Obama say, an alliance must be built to attack ISIS. However, forensic analysis by the UK’s MI6 and other intelligence make it clear ISIS is run out of Jerusalem and financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. WHO????? 4) So, if Nato is serious about ending fundamentalist pseudo-Islamic terror, they have a clear target. All they need to do is support the 1.5 million man strong secular Islamist Turkish army in a move on Saudi Arabia and the other gulf puppet monarchies. Putting these countries back under the historical Turkish umbrella will immediately cut off all flow of Middle Eastern petro-dollars to Nazi/Zionist controlled Western mega-banks. The flow of Middle Eastern oil money could then be redirected via the white hats for peaceful purposes. hhhum!!! Who has been the historical leader in the Middle East????? NOT Turkey! No no no, it has been Iran! What is Ben doing here? Trying to change History??? 5) In China too, attempts to stir up trouble are not getting anywhere. The so-called “Umbrella revolution” in Hong Kong is fizzling out. When the amount of demonstrators dwindled to a few hundred, some “triad gangsters” showed up and started beating the demonstrators. This was followed by a massive social media campaign saying “help, poor student protesters are being attacked by gangsters and the police are doing nothing.” It is almost certain these gangsters were paid by the Nazionists to boost protester numbers by creating sympathy. It is an old trick but it is not working as well as it used to. Well this one is just a bold faced lie! Ben is now on my Shit List! If he is so smart, he should have seen through ANY reports he receive concluding this report he wrote. This is the biggest piece of SHIT Lies put out by him I have ever seen. He must think we are ALL stupid, blind followers of his. hipknowsys.blogspot/2014/10/benjamin-fulford-october-6-2014-white.html
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:00:33 +0000

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