Berguin Araujo copia e cola no bloco de notas com o nome que vc - TopicsExpress


Berguin Araujo copia e cola no bloco de notas com o nome que vc quizer ****.lua ---------------Auto Activating Servitor Shots / Resummon Servitor Configurations--- RequiredSummonsCount = 2; -- Number on servitor needed, if you cant have more than 1 servitor then you need to change it to 1. shots = "Beast Soulshot"; --- Shots name that the servitor is Based on SummonServitorSkillId = 11331; -- Skill Id of the servitor needed, 11331 forSaber Tooth Cougar, 11331 for Summon Armored Bear, 11331 for Summon Wynn Seraphim, ---------------Servitor Attack / Skill Use Configurations-------------------------- AttackMobAction = 22; --AttackType: 22 for servitors, 16 for pets. actionid = 1110; -- if you want you servitors to use any particular skill they have otherwise set it -1, for list of servitor/pets skill Ids check this link: ---------------Servitor Healing Configurations------------------------------------- -- At how much hp % should we heal pets? minHealthPercent = 70; -- in Percent Value, Put -1 if you dont want servitor auto heals. -- max distance at which we will look into our pets/servitor HP. maxDistance = 800; -- Switch back to previous target after healing or not? switchBack = true; -- Use TransferPain MP conditions? 101 obviously will mean dont use transfer pain and 0 will mean try to use it all time. WhenManaPercentIsOver = 30; -- next variable is to choose weither to follow your servitors or not. (this does not include following them in case they need heal and out of range) MoveNearServitors = true; -- next variable is to choose weither to to stay on spot you are at when you activate the script. StayOnSpot = false; --note: obviously if you have StayOnSpot = true then its automatic the MoveNearServitors will be ignored. ---------------End of the Configurations------------------------------------------- function isTransferPainNeedActivation() if (me:GetMpPercent() > WhenManaPercentIsOver) then return true; end; return false; end; function GetSummonCount() local petlistaround = GetPetList(); local count = 0; for Apet in petlistaround.list do if (Apet:GetNickName() == me:GetName()) then count = count +1; end; end; return count; end; function GetItemAmountByName(name) local invList = GetInventory(); for item in invList.list do if (item.Name == name) then ShotsDisId = item.displayId; return item.ItemNum; end; end; return 0; end; old = nil; ShotsActivated = false; MoveStamp = GetTime(); ScriptTargetId = 0; function PetBelongsToMe(pet) if me:GetName() == pet:GetNickName() then return true; end; return false; end; repeat me = GetMe(); MySkills = GetSkills(); if (me ~= nil) and not (me:IsAlikeDeath()) then if (GetSummonCount() < RequiredSummonsCount) then if (GetSummonCount() == 0) then ShotsActivated = false; end; UseSkill(SummonServitorSkillId); Sleep(1500); end; --------------------------------------------------------------- if (GetItemAmountByName(shots) < 7*1000) then if (GetItemAmountByName(shots) == 0) then ShotsActivated = false; end; if (MySkills:FindById(11316) ~= nil) then UseSkill(11316); Sleep(5000); elseif (GetItemAmountByName(shots .. " Compressed Pack") > 0) then UseItem(ShotsDisId); Sleep(5000); end; end; --------------------------------------------------------------- if not (ShotsActivated) and (GetSummonCount() > 0) and (GetItemAmountByName(shots) > 5) then ActivateSoulShot(ShotsDisId, true); ShotsActivated = true; Sleep(2000); end; --------------------------------------------------------------- if MySkills:FindById(11270) and not me:GotBuff(11270) then UseSkill(11270); Sleep(3000); end; if isTransferPainNeedActivation() then if MySkills:FindById(11270) and not me:GotBuff(11270) then UseSkill(11270); Sleep(3000); elseif MySkills:FindById(1262) and not me:GotBuff(1262) then UseSkill(1262); Sleep(3000); end; end; --------------------------------------------------------------- target = GetTarget(); if (target ~= nil) and (me ~= nil) and target:IsMonster() and not (target:IsAlikeDeath()) and (GetSummonCount() > 0) and (ScriptTargetId == 0) and (target:GetDistance() < 4000) then if (actionid > 0) then Action(actionid,false,false); Sleep(150); end; Action(AttackMobAction, false, false); Sleep(150); end; --------------------------------------------------------------- if (ServitorHealSkill ~= nil) then pets = GetPetList(); CurrentCriticalHP = minHealthPercent; for pet in pets.list do if (pet:GetDistance() < maxDistance) and PetBelongsToMe(pet) and (pet:GetHpPercent() 60) and (GetDistanceVector(StartLocation,me:GetLocation()) < 2500) then MoveToNoWait(StartLocation); end; end; end; end; Sleep(500); until false;
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 08:08:55 +0000

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