Bernard Schulz 207-205-0951 bschulz92@freelibertarians Stimulus - TopicsExpress


Bernard Schulz 207-205-0951 bschulz92@freelibertarians Stimulus proposal for an eleven year welfare restructuring program. Increased funding is to be used to boost North Carolina’s welfare job database, and restructure our welfare system. I would propose to lower the time that one could receive welfare checks, after having been laid. First we must improve our job database, to allow the city to guarantee a job to a job seeker within two months of receiving their first checks, by the year 2020. Request for enabling statute, from congress, to delegate authority to DHS, the ED, FDA, DOH, DOST, and DOE. This authority would be granted to oversee details of proposal outlined below. Regulations DHS: I. 3 job placement cutoff. i. After an individual has been placed in three jobs by the State their rights to claim unemployment and their rights to seek a job through the welfare program will be voided. Individuals still have the right to actively search for a job on the State’s database of jobs, but they would not gain assistance from the State itself to aid them in this venture. ii. Job placement cutoff to be reset after a period of one year. iii. cutoff limit to decrease in increments of 1 job each time one was to be reinstated back into the welfare system II. Certificate program. iv. Applicants are to choose from a selection of certificate programs. Programs are to be completed prior reinstatement of benefits. v. Certificate class is be partially covered for by DHS. Applicants are to cover 50 dollars for certification class. vi. Certificate classes are to be held every Friday and Saturday vii. 4 classes are to be completed prior to the completion of certificate program viii. Opening in certificate programs will be granted to those wishing to partake in this opportunity freely. Certificate classes for these individuals will be granted only after individuals who require them have had an opportunity to take this class. Regulations ED: III. The ED is to oversee all aspects concerning the education rehabilitation program IV. A 2 year to 4 year degree is to be offered to the following individuals. a) Applicants who have completed certificate program who wish to further their education. These applicants must have held employment status continuously for 1 year prior to filling for candidacy of this program. b) Single mother applicants who have completed certificate program will qualify for this program. All applicants having completed the certificate program on their free will shall be given first claim to degree options. c) Single Father Applicants, who have completed certificate program will qualify for this program, shall qualify for the education rehabilitation program. d) Those between the ages of 18-25 applying for welfare shall qualify. These applicants shall be chosen only after applicants in requirement of this program have been chosen and applicants having completed a certificate program have been chosen. If no vacancy exist applicants in this qualifying sections will be erased from the system and must resubmit annually. Regulations FDA: I. Subsidized loans are to be issued to farm owners II. Loans are to be utilized for purchases of GPS Operated Columbines III. Loans are to compound in interest after 3 years if not reimbursed in full IV. Loans are to be determined by probability and equability of farm owners V. A maximum of $300,000 is to be issued to any one given farm owner annually VI. Loan applicants are to have a screening for land vitality prior to review of loan application by sub agencies board. VII. Further loan applications will not be considered after 3 years if applicant is in a state of delinquency VIII. 5 percent of all transactions are to go to ICC. Regulations DOE Alternative energy expansion program (AEP): I. Subsidized loans are to be given to established and newly formed solar LLC. II. Franchises will not qualify for any loans distributed by this agency III. Loans are to be utilized for research and manufacturing of solar electric products. IV. Loans are to have a set adjustable accumulative APR rate for the duration of these proceedings. V. Loans in delinquency shall forfeit rights to all properties associated with loans All purchase statements shall be kept and made available for inspection purposes at any time this agency sees fit. These documents are to be forwarded to the investigating party in a timely manner. Failure to procure these documents in a timely manner will result in fines up 5 million dollars, and possibly criminal prosecution. 5 percent of interest accumulated resulting from these proceedings shall be given to the DHS. A gratuity payment will be made to the ICC following settlement of initial funds Regulations DOH healthcare expansion program (TEP): I. Unsubsidized loans are to be given to the DOH II. Loans shall be put towards job development in the health sector III. Loan payments are to begin immediately after the first year. IV. Payments are to be in full 2 missed payments shall be considered breach of contract and shall be grounds for repossession of assets. V. Value of loan payments will be 15 percent of original allotted sum until such a time the debt is settled. These payments shall be made on an annual basis. Regulations DOST: I. Unsubsidized loans are to be disbursed to the DOST over a calculated time. II. All loans are to be paid in full starting after the 5th year of loan allocations. III. Leniency shall be granted to the repayment of these loans if the DOST can have shown significant gains in development and growth in their department. IV. Loans shall be utilized towards expansion and development in the field of computer science. This department shall have authoritative discretion to utilize funds in ways best suited towards the development and expansion of the world of technology. V. 25% of these funds are to be used towards 4 year degree grants in the field of computer science. 15 percent of these funds are to be allocated to the ED. VI. 15 percent of all funds allocated to this agency shall be put towards alternative energy research. This sub agency will be overseen by the DOST and the DOE jointly.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 22:18:30 +0000

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