Beryllium Element Name Beryllium Element Symbol Be Atomic - TopicsExpress


Beryllium Element Name Beryllium Element Symbol Be Atomic Number 4 Type of Element Metal. Metal solid material, malleable, ductile, shiny. Nuclear Properties of Element: Number of Protons 4 number of Neutrons 5 Common Isotopes:Beryllium 7, 9, 10 Are the isotopes radioactive? No they arent. Chemical Properties of Element: Family/Group: Alkali Earth metals. Reactivity. Very reactive. Number of Valence Electrons. 2 valence electrons Tendency to rust. No chance. This metal forms a oxide to protect it from rusting. Combustibility/Flammability? Yes, but only at really high temperature. Tendency to form ionic/covalent bonds? Yes. More likely to lose electrons. Most common compounds found in nature of element Beryl and emeralds. Physical Properties of Element Density:1.85 at 20⁰ C Melting Point: 1560K Boiling Point: 3243K Phase at room temperature: Solid Atomic Mass Number: 9.012182 Average Atomic Mass: 9 Conductivity or Semiconductor: High Luster: Pearly, resinous, vitreous. Magnetism: None Texture: Hard and Brittle Malleability: Yes Ductility: No Color: White-gray and Metallic Hardness 5.5 (Mohs scale) Interesting Facts about Element: Is it used (how) in energy technology? It is light weight so it is used to reduce the weight of cars, trucks, planes. How common is this element in the universe? Really common .001 of the total earth mass. Is this element important for living things? How? It is very important it make it possible for the slow development of living organisms. Is this element used in our bodies? How? No it kills you. By chronic beryllium disease and also lead to cancer. Is this element toxic to living things? How? Yes it can kill living things, it causes sickness Is this element found in the soil or crust of earth? How commonly is it found (percentage)? Yes it is very common . 001% Is this element rare and need to be mined to be used? Since beryllium isnt pure beryllium they’re found in minerals such as aquamarine, beryl, and emeralds. Is this element found in our atmosphere? Give percentage, even if as a compound. No Discovered by Vauquelin in (year) 1798 How is this element used by people (technology)? Give 2 uses in addition to above questions. Used as copper beryllium alloy and also saves money, and is recycled Sources used: MLA format 1. Beryllium Element Facts. Chemicool. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2014. 2. Beryllium. Minerals Education Coalition. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2014. 3. BERYLLIUM. BERYLLIUM. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2014. 4. Beryllium: The Miracle Metal. Environmental Benefits. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 17:06:45 +0000

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