Besides Illegals, Obama wants to bring Ebola Infected to U.S. (At - TopicsExpress


Besides Illegals, Obama wants to bring Ebola Infected to U.S. (At TAXPAYER expense, no doubt) Yes, theres a memo circulating from the State Department in which Obamas hacks (and he HAS to know about this) want to bring Ebola infected patients from those West African nations to the U.S. to be treated. Just more evidence of the sheer incompetence of the Dufus-in-Chiefs administration. Questions for those juvenile morons up at the inept White House and State Department: 1. Does this mean that our military units now wouldnt need to be sent to the West African nations? 2. Who decides WHICH patients get brought over and how ill will they be? 3. Will the Democrats volunteer to pay for this out of their own pockets? (We already know the answer to that one) 4. Who will bear responsibility if significant numbers of health care personal working at the hospitals to which these Ebola infected foreign patients will be brought get infected and thus ALSO must be treated (and thus would no longer be available to treat ANY patients)? (We also know the answer to that one given the past experience with Obamas NUMEROUS scandals, stonewalling, and coverups... NOBODY) 5. Will Congress have a say in this reckless venture by renegades in Obamas dictatorship regime? Its not enough that Obama is facilitating and aiding and abetting the breaking of laws by the illegals (many of whom are already convicted murderers, rapists, and robbers), now he wants to set the stage to further facilitate the exposure of Ebola to U.S. citizens and make them underwrite the whole thing at the same time, at least THOSE who PAY any taxes.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 18:48:52 +0000

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