Besides Jimmy Carter, I have never in my lifetime seen an economy - TopicsExpress


Besides Jimmy Carter, I have never in my lifetime seen an economy and president this pathetic. Its been six years of a horrible economy, made worse by President Obamas terrible policies, and my people still blame President Bush and worship at the alter of their Chocolate Jesus - as my friend Connie Harris affectionately calls him. :-) The President ignores us and caters to every other Democratic Party constituency - but us. I mean no offense but African Americans are becoming a joke on the national political scene. The Democratic Party knows they can buy our vote for very little and we expect even less in return and the Republican Party looks at this sad situation and shakes their heads that an entire people can be so gullible and be bought so cheap. The economy is literally contracting and we buy hook, line and sinker into the Democrats open borders policies which ultimately cuts our own economic throats. We have 50% high school drop out rates, 70% illegitimacy and murder being the number one cause of death for black males 15-24. Unless things dramatically change in the next couple of decades, I fear greatly for the future of African Americans in this country. Instead of addressing these issues, our so called leaders engage in short term, small ball issues like voter ID, minimum wage (75% of African Americans are in the middle class) and reduced sentences for crack cocaine dealers. God help us! #brainenema It just keeps getting worse. The government released its third estimate of economic activity during the first quarter, and it surpassed our wildest expectations -- in all the wrong ways. The Bureau of Economic Analysis said Wednesday morning that the economy actually shrank at an annualized rate of 2.9 percent over the winter, the worst reading since the recession. Driving the decline was weak consumer spending, which the government now says grew by a meager 1 percent during the first quarter.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 19:09:46 +0000

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