Besides the dumbing down of America that is pushed by Climate - TopicsExpress


Besides the dumbing down of America that is pushed by Climate Deniers and creationists that replace fact with belief, and the Right Wing Media outlets that get away with substituting political agenda for news, we have fundamentalists and professed racist political appointees on educational committees in Texas picking out textbooks. Texas is the largest market in the US for textbooks, so publishers are able to make lots more money by publishing and selling textbooks that the per unit cost has already been reduced due to volume sales. Guess which textbooks that cash strapped local school districts all over the country can afford? The Texas texts that have been edited for anything like scientific proof of evolution, climate change, or anything that doesnt support a conservative agenda of course! Is it any wonder most science graduates these days are from other countries? The race to the bottom continues...
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 14:20:14 +0000

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