Best News For Lent Jesus Can Set You Free Here is a power point - TopicsExpress


Best News For Lent Jesus Can Set You Free Here is a power point from a sermon I preach entitle” Things To Give Up For Lent” how about it folks, for those of you that are into a religion you will not believe how your life could change, and it will never be the same again. The first step out of this spiritual bondage of religion is to put your faith and trust in Christ Alone! Apart from any works. That is the message that Jesus was sharing with Nicodemus, that is the message you need to understand today 2, 000 years later. If Nicodemus, could not get to heaven by trusting in his religion, doing good works and believing in James 2. What in the world makes you think and believe that you can get to heaven by trusting in your religion, doing good works, and believing in James 2. Jesus was not impress with how holy Nicodemus was living his life, or how righteous he was living his life. In fact Jesus was not even impress that Nicodemus was living by the Law including the 10 commandments. How many of you folks, fall into this religious struggle of trying to appease Jesus with such things. How many of you folks, are trapped in a religion and being control by the person over you telling you that you have to do certain things to get eternal life, and in spite of you doing those things they tell you that no one knows for sure! How sad is that. This religious controlling spirit has millions in the bondage of religion. The truth is you have a choice, you have to choose between the Jesus of religion or the Jesus of the Bible. Remember the voice, of the counterfeit spirit of Jesus in religion tells you, YOU CANNOT KNOW FOR SURE THAT YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE NOW. But the Voice of Jesus who has nothing to do with religion, through his Holy Sprint in the bible says in 1 John 5:13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God. Now, do you see the difference my friend? Jesus of religion says you CANNOT KNOW YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE, BUT JESUS IN THE WORD OF GOD SAYS YOU CAN. So, lets examine this verse together 1 John 5:13 These things I have written to you who believe this is what the word believe means (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) the first word mention here is the word adhere it does not mean to adhere to the Catholic religion or its teachings or the teaching of any religion for that matter. Jesus did not come to establish religion, but rather to have a personal relationship with you. The second word to believe is trust in You cannot trust in the Catholic religion or any religion for that matter when it comes to eternal life. You cannot take the name of Jesus than apply it to your religion, like so many have done, then tell you that you have to work for you salvation. That my friend is the Jesus of religion, and not the Jesus of the bible. The Jesus of the bible tells us that salvation (eternal life) is free and it’s a gift given (Romans 6:23) without any religious strings attach to it without any works, (Ephesians 2:8-9-) or works of righteousness of any kind (Titus 3:5) This gift of salvation (eternal life has all ready been paid for by Jesus himself ( John 19:30) but the Jesus of religion does not trust in this alone! Now its up to you to make your decision are you going to TRUST IN JESUS OF THE BIBLE ALONE, APART FROM ANY WORK FOR YOUR SALVATION. OR ARE YOU GOING TO TRUST IN THE JESUS OF RELIGION WHICH REQUIRES YOU TO WORK FOR YOUR SALVATION. The final word associated with the word believe is the word rely on. So in closing are you going to rely on the Jesus of religion? Or Jesus of the bible? Are you going to rely upon your parents and the Jesus of their religion for your salvation? or are you going to make your own choice based on what you have read and rely on Jesus of the bible for your salvation. Here is a prayer of faith Heavenly Father I confess I’m a sinner (Romans 3:23) and need forgiven of all of my sins (Ephesians 1:7) I believe that Jesus shed his blood and his blood cleanses me of all of my sins (1 John 1:7-9) I believe that Jesus died and rose again from the dead. Lord I repent of trusting in my religion, I repent of trying to earn my salvation by being a good person, by helping others, or by giving to the poor. (Ephesians 2:8) Lord, I repent of trusting in water baptism, keeping sacraments, saying the rosary, or keeping the 10 commandments, a s part of my salvation ( Ephesians 2:9) Lord, I repent of not trusting in your work on the cross for my salvation .John 19:30 Thank you Lord, for writing my name down in the book of life. Rev 20:15 thank you Jesus for saving me
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 04:26:48 +0000

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