Best-Selling Author: America is Careening Towards Civil War by - TopicsExpress


Best-Selling Author: America is Careening Towards Civil War by Paul Joseph Watson URL: Guilt-tripped white political culture contributing to racial tension James Howard Kuntsler 2 James Howard Kuntsler Author and journalist James Howard Kunstler warns that America is careening towards “a new and different kind of civil war” as a result of “guilt-tripped white political culture,” oppositional black culture and militarized police. Kunstler, who writes for The Atlantic Monthly and Rolling Stone, warns in his latest piecethat the aftermath of Ferguson represents “a tragic time for America” and that “the country is going to get into a lot more trouble” unless people begin to understand the true causes of racial tension and police brutality. Highlighting the “foolish white-sponsored ‘diversity’ campaign which had imposed the ridiculous idea that a common culture in one nation is unnecessary,” Kunstler says the gulf between black and white cultures is only growing wider. “The result is a permanently oppositional black culture with an elaborate ideology of endless grievance and a guilt-tripped white political culture held hostage by it and pandering endlessly to it — and sandwiched in between those two dispositions is a whole lot of really bad behavior. The least you can say about the four incidents involving Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice is that they involved some degree of ambiguity about what was actually going on, and in probably all those cases, at least, death was not caused by sheer malice. The same is not true about the case of Zemir Begic, or of the many people victimized during last year’s “knockout” game fad, or indeed the astounding number of people being gunned down regularly on the streets of Chicago. I don’t think we’re capable of making these distinctions anymore, and surely not of doing anything constructive about them. Instead, we just appear to be careening toward a new and different kind of civil war.” In identifying the three key elements that are driving violent confrontations between police and (predominantly) black people, Kunstler is actually getting to the root of the problem, unlike the simplistic narrative being pushed by the media and social justice warriors, who assert that racism is the only factor. Despite the fact that Michael Brown’s cousin, Eric Garner’s daughter and his wife have all publicly asserted that the problem of police brutality cannot solely be blamed on racism, an army of demonstrators have marched under the banner of racial division, fingering white privilege as the culprit, thereby ignoring the actual causational factors – police receiving military-style training to treat Americans as the enemy, and the ongoing problem of criminality and violence within the black community. As we have exhaustively documented, the federal government has been preparing for widespread civil unrest in America for years, which is why it was so surprise to see the Obama administration fanning the flames of racial strife immediately before the Ferguson riots, in addition to mainstream media outlets like Time Magazine and MSNBCcharacterizing violent arson and looting as legitimate forms of protest. Black Privileges, Thanks to Obama, Could Certainly End the U. S. https://pbs.twimg/media/B4JKG9qCcAAyZAF.jpg/> Black Privileges, Thanks to Obama, Could Certainly End the U. S. By Jerry McConnell Black people in America, though certainly not all of them but a significant percentage, are seemingly forever active in areas of self-flagellation which is defined by some people as “the act of hitting oneself with a whip”; or other forms of punishment, even if only in the form of mental cruelty. Why do I say that? I say it because those same black people who in totality only represent approximately 12 to 13 percent of the overall number of citizens of the United States are determined to punish themselves by denying the guilt of the ones of their skin color for ANY grievous action or crime perpetrated by persons of those same skin characteristics. These denials in the face of proof only make things worse for all the rest of their fellow blacks who suffer the damages done to their homes, businesses, and yes, their entire community when the antagonizers get out of control while in the act of looting, vandalizing, burning, and performing other acts of malicious destruction as if making their point, which is most always wrong. Worse are the damages from the fall-outs after their unlawful and inhumane actions, mainly the tendency of the more intelligent, educated and well bred people of color who suffer the side effects of guilt by association who are unfairly judged along with the lawless group and their antics. Right now there are several black citizens who are, or could be, considered viable candidates for the Office of President. Most prominently mentioned are Dr. Ben Carson; former Air Force Lt. Colonel Alan West; former Sec’y of State Condoleezza Rice to mention just a few of other well qualified black citizens. Obama, by his very un-American actions, and stealthily dealing with the corrupt United Nations by slowly ceding portions of our powers to that rotten group is very unfairly making it very difficult for another black person to succeed to the high office of president. It is critically unjust for those highly qualified citizens to suffer the slings of association with the criminally minded thugs who not only can’t see the truth of justice of a Grand Jury of the community and instead become as lawless as the subject of that jury’s investigation. Those black people put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into reaching their high level of impeccable citizenship and do not deserve to be dragged down to the level of the rioters and looters. But the law of ‘Unintended Consequences’ is often a drastic burden and in this case, those who do not deserve any criticism often get unjustly harmed. The culprits, starting with two of the highest ranking members of our current national governing body, the President and the Attorney General, have placed their unfortunate positions of support on the wrong side of law and order in this case. They should be ashamed of their decisions and resign now. On December 03, 2014, Mark Alexander, publisher of the online,authored “Black Privilege From Suppression to Supremacy” beginning with this quote from John Adams (1775): “There is in human nature a resentment of injury, and indignation against wrong, a love of truth and a veneration of virtue ... if the people are capable of understanding, seeing and feeling the differences between true and false, right and wrong, virtue and vice.” Mr. Alexander continues his column by publicly quoting another political leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, who over fifty years ago in 1963 said, “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Alexander followed that powerful statement with this very indecisive one by our current president, Barack Hussein Obama, very recently in 2014, “The fact is ... a deep distrust exists [in] communities of color. ... There are still problems and communities of color aren’t just making these problems up.... [The] frustrations ... have deep roots in many communities of color. ...Too many individuals, particularly young people of color, do not feel as if they are being treated fairly.” Mr. Alexander could not have chosen a more telling account of two black leaders speaking on a common subject a half-century apart. The first from a definitely strong leadership role and the current one spoken by a feckless and impotent voice unable to read the modern questionable scenario of plight and unrest which is inarguably self-imposed, and then provide non-contentious advice to his followers. Obama claims to be a unifier, but as so many of his cohorts have proven, such as his mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright; the very un-Reverend Al Sharpton; and another questionable Reverend, Jesse Jackson; and a Black Panther lover if not brother and co-accomplice, current Attorney General Eric Holder, the possibility of another black being elected as POTUS seems more and more remote as the negative and un-American, Christian-lite Obama continues to divide and destroy our sovereign government almost daily. Obama has turned our government into one giant picnic basket for black welfare and food stamp moochers. His plans for an additional five million aliens to be given the holy grail of U. S. citizenship, including health benefits and social security, items that non-black citizens must work for and then share part of their wages to provide these free perks for the black non-workers and illegal aliens. People, like those who are automatic votes for Obama, should start worrying about the government reaching a point where so many gift packages for votes for liberal Democrats permanence in political office will exceed the money that can be collected through taxes. What will they do when they are told that they must either work or go hungry? And what if there are no more jobs due to Obama’s failures in the job market? Will automatic killing off non-black job holders, or 87 percent of American citizens become another Obama Executive Order? Think about it, America; it could happen, and all because of America’s first black president’s ignorance of reali The Divider In Chief Calls America A “Deeply Rooted” Racist Nation.... by sundance URL: It only took two days for what we anticipated to actually hit the headlines. President Obama going “all in” during Black Entertainment Television (BET) interview: ..“When you deal with something as deeply rooted as racism or biasin any society you have to realize that it’s going to take some time and you just have to be steady”.... BINGO – AS EXPECTED - Mike Brown and Eric Garner as tools: – President Obama wants, and needs, to make the case that the deaths of these men were not isolated occurrences, but part of a larger pattern in which law enforcement officers were hostile to the human rights of African Americans; ergo a pattern that is rooted in hundreds of years of similar hostility including centuries of slavery. So his argument is that not only individual agents of American law enforcement but the larger American legal system is white supremacist. There’s a reason for this: President Obama and Attorney General, Eric Holder, are both advocates of critical legal studies that uses storytelling and theorizes about class dominance in American law. In essence Critical Race Theory reaches the DOJ. Consequently, to advance the race ball, President Obama wants to do his own storytelling. Within his narration the actual facts of what happened in Ferguson are not so important as the story about America that he wants to tell by exploiting what witnesses falsely claimed they supposedly saw. The facts are irrelevant, the story is the goal. His story is for the purpose of prosecuting the defendant of the American constitutional and legal order, which he rejects as white supremacist. This is similar to his life long world view of colonialism and brings the ideological dynamic to domestic issues. Racism in the U.S. becomes both his rationale and his shield for various crimes his own Team Obama have committed. The IRS conspiracy, the subversion of rule to gain control of healthcare and his unconstitutional subversion of immigration law stand as examples. Shouts of racism then become his political shield in the event anyone would ever suggest he be held to account for such misconduct. URGENCY – This becomes even more important in the final two years as the congressional opposition is stronger. President Obama will say through his acolytes and sycophants that any/all accusations by those seeking to hold him or Holder accountable are racist in motivation; and that his accusers wish to treat him, Holder, etc. just as unjustly as Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner were treated. Since “Black Lives Matter” the masses should ultimately rise up in defense of him and AG Holder since if accusers get away with actions against them who knows what racist cops might try to get away with against far less powerful people. This is all a political shield to make it easier for Obama to keep pushing further and further toward the big government central command model that deconstructs the pesky problems inherent in a constitutional republic. Well Thought Out – He, and his life cohorts, want to stir up a communist revolt among the masses, an intifada in America, a sense of outrage against the inherent injustice he sees in a constitutionally-limited government, and thus indict Tea Party supporters of a Convention of States as much like the states-rights racists of an earlier era. To pull off the ruse, he needs the appearance of wearing a moderate mask while pursuing a revolutionary agenda. He’s not opposed to seeing more burning of buildings, more anxiety, more division throughout this nation over the next few years; which is why he apparently asked Gov. Nixon to delay use of National Guard troops in Saint Louis/Ferguson, Missouri. It’s also why he knew the fraud of “Hands up, Don’t shoot”, yet with a good dose of willful blindness, allowed the fraud to thrive. Obama sees violence of the masses as his ally in seeking a fundamental change in the American political-legal system, which he hopes to pursue in stages. He’s well skilled in the dark Alinsky arts of organizing to pull this off. Just as Obamacare’s structural failure was intentional -insofar as the goal is ultimately that it would be replaced by single-payer- Obama also wants the current legal system to fail because he wants it to be replaced by one of revolutionary socialism, in which ultimately elections are unimportant. Racism is both hammer and wedge, sword and shield.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 14:04:13 +0000

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