Best for His body! Day 3: Healing the Sick Body. Sticking - TopicsExpress


Best for His body! Day 3: Healing the Sick Body. Sticking with our scripture about being the body of Christ we are going to look at having a sick body. When we allow the devil to begin works ibside of us we bring those works into the body of believers, into the body of Christ and it can spread and cause sickness. I dont have the devil working in my life! ,you say. Well very good for you. But now for the rest of us. When we allow secrest sin, lust, lying, petty frustrations, harbored guilt and begrugged feelings, hardned hearts, quick tempers, nagging, fault finding, nitpicking, murmuring and complaining, gossiping and unforgiveness.... (sound familiar at all), when we allow these thing to take place in our lives they begin to have power over us. They weaken the works of the soirit in us and empower the flesh. They lead us to having a sick body. Sure it might start spiritual but soon these things envelop all of the body. The problem is when you allow it to continue to go on in your life and you being it into the body you can sicken the body. Especially when their are multiple members who are sick. Why does it hurt the body. It leads us to not care so much for the body, to tune out the message and worst the spirit, we no longer worahip out of worship but ritual, everything we do becones second nature and we are not in it for the right reason and we dont want to hear the conviction of the spirit. When you get multiples in that mindset the body is being poisoned. Now the only way to over come this is to renew your life and love in Christ. Pray for his renewing power and strength. Ask Him to allow the spirit to search you and help you remove all unrighteousness in your life. Second is that you take that new spirit to church and share it with those around you. Pray for them to do the same. 3rd. Stop gossip and other death that comes from the mouth. Instead let forgiveness come out and heal relationships maybe even from year a ago.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 12:44:36 +0000

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