Best known for his iconic role playing bureaucratic - TopicsExpress


Best known for his iconic role playing bureaucratic villains—namely, the scheming patriarch Tywin Lannister on HBO’s Game of Thrones—Dance, always a respected Thespian is now a worldwide superstar. The Season 4 finale viewers looked on in shock as Tywin is revealed to be sleeping with his imp son’s lover, Shae, and then be shot to death by Tyrion with a crossbow—while sitting on the toilet, no less. “It was a pretty ignominious death,” he says. According to Dance, his character will return for Season 5 of the show—albeit briefly. In George R.R. Martin’s tome A Feast for Crows, Tywin’s remains are displayed for a week in the Great Sept before a procession of knights guides the body west. And that’s how it’ll play out on the show. “Well, only my body!” Dance says of his fifth-season cameo. “I don’t wake up in the shower having had a dream about it all.” He also let slip some very interesting news for Thrones fans: that the show’s producers have been actively discussing a future Game of Thrones movie. “There’s talk of eventually trying to do a feature film, but I don’t know which of the storylines,” says Dance. “There’s so much to cram into a film.” Dance went on to describe how Thrones creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss visited the set of Your Highness at Titanic Studios in Northern Ireland while they were planning the pilot. He chatted with them, and they eventually sent him the first few scripts. He was immediately sold on the quality of the screenplays and the fascinating story. “I never read any of the books, because that’s not what we’re shooting,” says Dance. “We’re shooting scripts written by David and Dan.” The craziest thing he ever did on Thrones, he says, came during the first season when the creators approached him and asked, “Are you a vegetarian, Charles?” He replied, “No, why do you ask?” and the duo proceeded to show him a scene of Tywin skinning a deer. “So, this butcher arrived with a dead animal and they gave me a little room to work in, gave me a sharp knife, and showed me how to skin it and spill the guts into a bucket,” recalls Dance. “The next day, they gave me another dead animal, and we shot it. It was a bloody good time, but it took me two days to get the smell off my hands.” One of his fondest memories from the show was his time sharing the screen with Peter Dinklage, who plays his embattled dwarf son, Tyrion. “One of the biggest joys was working with Peter Dinklage,” says Dance. “He’s the sweetest man, and a phenomenal actor. He must be the envy of every dwarf actor in the world because those parts don’t come along too often. He’s also extremely handsome. If you look at his head, it’s like Michelangelo’s David.” He pauses. “And he’s such a great guy, too. I spent a lot of time apologizing to Peter because we play scenes where I treat him like shit, calling him a ‘lecherous little stump’ and saying I wanted to ‘carry you out to sea and let the waves take you away.’”
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 09:37:25 +0000

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