Bethel University Nursing Department 30th Anniversary - TopicsExpress


Bethel University Nursing Department 30th Anniversary Prayer Acknowledgement and thanks to Sagrid E. Edman, Professor Emerita, for writing the prayer A Celebration of Thanksgiving: Sagrid E. Edman Heavenly Father, healer and hope of the world, Today is a day of joy and celebration for 30 years of ministry and service in nursing education under the umbrella of your wisdom, the direction of the Holy Spirit and the compassionate love of the Lord Jesus Christ. We thank you for the support and encouragement of many different individuals and groups. Audience: We thank you Lord. For what has been Accomplished: Sandy Peterson Together we thank you for the support and encouragement of the Bethel University administration, faculty, and staff who have been involved in the nursing program curriculum. For the departmental faculty who have faithfully taught with excellence, encouragement and care of students in their classes, For our students and graduates who come to us with a desire to learn and who become the best professional nurses; to give excellent care to those they serve, and respond to the needs of an increasingly complex health care system, For parents, friends, and community supporters of the nursing program and university, For churches and professional organizations that engage with the department in a variety of ways For those who contribute generously to scholarships and general funds, For thousands of graduates and their families who serve all over the U.S. and globally in many different positions in the health care system and community, For 30 years of excellence in professional nursing education we give you our praise and thanks. Audience: We thank you Lord. For the Future: Beth Peterson Today, gracious Lord we thank you for the firm foundation and vision for the future of the Bethel University faculty, administration, staff, and students. For new and developing nursing programs, For incoming students who expect the same excellence in the future as in the past, For new and expected faculty who will uphold the philosophy and principles of the program Audience: We thank you Lord. For Guidance: Sue Steen Holy God and compassionate Savior, we ask that your Spirit continue to guide the nursing department to acknowledge and be constantly reminded of your commands to care for; The sick and dying that they will be treated with excellence and dignity The lonely that they will be comforted The friendless that they will find a nurse who cares All patients/clients regardless of their poverty, wealth or social/ethnic status Those folks who nobody else cares for will find solace The angry and those who are hard to love will find understanding The family whose child or loved one is healed and finds a nurse to rejoice with them The family of a new baby who will laugh and cry with the nurse who has assisted them The family who mourns a loss ahead of its time Audience: Lord, we ask for your strength and help The nurses and students present will now hold out their hands to receive a final blessing Blessing of the Hands and Benediction: All nurses Dear Lord, may your Spirit give us strength and courage to be: Compassionate caregivers Christ-like in our relationships Competent in our practice Counselors for the confused Fierce advocates for those who are vulnerable and have no one to speak for them Thoughtful in our educational roles Confidant professionals in a chaotic health care system We beseech thee to give us the hands and feet of Jesus as we watch the lame walk; the blind be given sight; the sick restored to health; and the frail die with dignity; and in all things give You praise and thanks for your constant presence and direction. All present: Lord, we thank you for the past, present and future of the Bethel University Nursing Program. The audience is dismissed to the Nursing Department’s Open House – HC 2nd floor – following the reading of the 30th Anniversary prayer.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 03:52:56 +0000

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