Betsho, I have been following your discussions with very keen - TopicsExpress


Betsho, I have been following your discussions with very keen interest. Let me be honest with you I am learning a lot from all of you both those who are apposed to my syanding and those who would like me to represent Chobe. I would like those who want to claim my lack of concern for Chobe to come with evidence. The problems you are faced with as youths are political and need to be solved politically. I have, before deciding to stand for political position, engaged in discursive discourse with some of your substantive councilors on the problems facing Chobe and the youth. It was these discussions that motivated some councilors to support my cadidature with the view that immediately after bolela ditswe we start drawing a road map to tackle some of the problems affecting our youth. Let me be honest with you thay community trusts like KALEPA COLLAPSED and CECT is being threatened to collapse to some extent because of lack of political leadership. Our political leadership has failed to engage Chobe Land Boatd to avail land to the youth so that you can enjoy programs like NAMPAAD where you could create jobs for your fellow friends and others. There are so many government programs that exist that together we can exploit to enhance your lives. We cam realize these by having Mopalemente le Moeteledipele wa Khansele yo o motiya. No politician has engaged you on your needs simce we became independent from Maun in 2004. Ga lo bana lo banana and you need to be engaged periodically to realize your pontential. It is for these reasons that I ask for your support so that we can help you realize your dreams. Bagaetsho, I am still an employee of the University of Botswana. However, like any employee of the UB, it is prepared to give me leave of absence to come and serve you should you need those services. I cannot stand and watch the youth suffering when I know I can come to theor rescue if I have that political power. Like one of you mentioned, I come here for the third time. Thos should show you how concerned I am for this district and its people. But at the end of the day you have the say to whom you want to lead you. A leader is not judged by their looks but the content of their character. Enjoy.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 10:35:57 +0000

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