Better Thank A Cookie! Here we go! Another lesson learned and - TopicsExpress


Better Thank A Cookie! Here we go! Another lesson learned and spiritual insight gained from what started out as a simple lunch order. I was placing lunch orders for 20 people who were a part of a meeting I was attending. Each person was given a menu that had a variety of box lunch selections. They were to circle their choices which included a variety of cookie choices or a brownie for desert. The salad menu, however, was all inclusive. It described what came on the salad and the desert was a cranberry oatmeal cookie. No choices involved. I decided to go with a salad. When it came time to provide my lunch order, I named my salad selection. The person taking my order asked, “And what type of cookie would you like with that?” Puzzled, I responded, “The menu says it comes with a cranberry oatmeal cookie. That’s what I’d like.” She promptly responded, “None of our salads come with a cookie. You have to tell me what you want.” I stared at the menu that clearly told me this specific cookie came with this salad. I paused. Maybe she didn’t know what menu I was looking at. I found myself getting just a little stirred up (just a little) ‘cause... I didn’t want this lady to get MY LUNCH ORDER WRONG! This is where I fell out laughing. It’s amazing how sensitive we are when it comes to our food! “Don’t be messing with my food! Amen!” After hanging up, you know I had to have a pow-wow with God about that. How in the world can we be like that Lord? I pondered. What if we took that same energy; that same mindset and applied it to your promises? Your Word is a “menu” all sorts of good things you’ve declared to us. The same way I wanted exactly what was on that lunch menu and was ready to take a flat-footed stand on it; that’s how I want to be about what you have said and promised. I want what the Word of God says and I’m not willing to take anything less! Here’s my Reality Check: What God has promised and prepared for me (and for you) is much better than a cookie! The cookie was great by the way; soft, moist and chewy. But by the end of the day, that sweet experience was an old memory and my stomach was growling for dinner! The Word of God says that the things of this world are temporary but the true things of God that really matter are eternal. That means they last! The Lord also says, “Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things I have prepared for those that love Me.” The Lord has so much more in store for you… He’s got better than a cookie! By Edwina Frazier Excerpt from “Reality Checks!” © 2014
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 16:35:15 +0000

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