"Better out than in..." SHREK It is Thursday morning and things - TopicsExpress


"Better out than in..." SHREK It is Thursday morning and things have changed with Alice’s body. The pain has become bad enough to keep her in bed longer than she likes. She has an appointment at the Good Samaritan Clinic downtown, but it is for her Achilles. That appointment did not go as she hoped. Alice figured they would want to run some tests to see what was causing this sort of pain, but was told it was her sciatica and given a prescription for Prednisone and sent on her way. After dropping the prescription off at ***** Pharmacy, her father takes her to have pizza for dinner. Surprisingly, she is able to sit during dinner with less pain than earlier in the day. It was nice to get out after sitting every day for the past three weeks illustrating her latest project. The conversation in the clinic sits on Alice’s mind like a sour lemon. To think that doctor likened the brand new clinic to that of third world facility and their service likewise. The thought of that wench with her stellar education and private practice telling her they offer no more than what one can get in Haiti, Saigon, or parts of Indonesia was enough to burn the flesh from her bones. As if!!! That ridiculous doctor thinks that place is the same as entering a third world clinic. Is she a complete moron or jackass? I mean really, has she even been to a third world country? Many times, doctor’s are forced to perform procedures in less than favorable conditions and some even have to conduct their work outside under the shade of a tree; if they are lucky, but they do it because it is a calling to fulfill a need where it would not otherwise be met. The last medical aid trips my mother and aunt worked were in a church. And that whore of a doctor has the gall to sit there in her pristine white coat, wearing her fancy polished shoes, pressed slacks, and tell me the care they offer is no different than what one mat receive in any impoverished nation. They were lucky to have screening to keep away the bugs while on those medical aid trips and there she has bright shining floors and air-conditioned rooms. The severe pain comes and goes. When it comes, her right leg is numb from her bum to the tips of her toes. The numbness passes through her and goes on over into her left butt cheek and left thigh. The longer she is up the worse the pain becomes to the point it feels as if she is being ripped like a Thanksgiving Day wishbone in the labia major. The numbness isn’t becoming ridiculous it has surpassed it verging on the realm of insane. She cannot feel anything from her vulva to her anus. So she returns home for rest. By the following morning, the pain is excruciating. Walking the few steps from her front step to the back stoop of the front house quickly turns into her panting in order to try to control her focus somewhere other than on the pain. Trying to locate something to drink, the pain transforms her panting into cries with bursts of screams. Turning around and heading back to her apartment, elicits even more screams that she cannot contain once outside. The neighbors who are home must be wondering what is going on. Thankfully, it is summer and everyone has their air conditioners running at full speed. Pulling herself into the backhouse, she quickly lies down. Things have become so unbearable that she is forced to lie on her belly and have a small firm neck pillow wedged under the edge of her right hip. She would have asked her father to take her to the hospital, but he was out running errands so she was forced to lie in bed until he returned. By the time he returns, she is in so much pain that she forces herself to return to the front house and shower. The pain is so incredible, she literally sobs during the entire shower and while dressing. Once out of the bathroom she does not ask, but demands that her father call for an ambulance. "I can take you." "No, I can’t sit or climb into that thing." Their only operating vehicle is her dad’s cargo van. It is a pain to climb in and out of without the added garbage going on right now. She knows there is not a chance in hell she could tolerate a ride much more sit long enough to ride the 15-20 minutes to the hospital. Hysterical screaming and sobbing escape her mouth and this time she no longer cares what her neighbors may or may not hear. Once she is on her belly, the pain quickly subsides and she wipes her eyes. Thankfully, it is only a matter of minutes once she is back in her bed when the Fire and Rescue Team arrive. "Knock knock" "They are here." "Okay"
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 22:27:40 +0000

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