Better to Celebrate God “Lord, I celebrate Your love for me! - TopicsExpress


Better to Celebrate God “Lord, I celebrate Your love for me! Lord, I celebrate Your majesty! You are enthroned on high and the heavens rejoice. And I join in the rejoicing! I am so glad that You are on the throne. I celebrate Your grace. I celebrate Your goodness. I celebrate Your wisdom. I choose to celebrate You, Lord!” Sometimes we have this overly serious attitude or focus about ourselves. It is always about us when we usually respond to questions on how we are doing: “I’m okay” or “I’m struggling” or “I’m hanging in there”. There are hardly responses like: God is moving me forward of God is king of God be praised. Our seeming honest answers about our situations reflect, on the converse, our weak faith levels with regard to how much control God has over our lives. The source of true Christian joy is in Celebrating GOD. We are often so focused on the dark shadows of life (which truly exist) that we fail to see the brilliance of the Light (which also exists) that gleams undaunted above all and every shadow on the earth. It supersedes and erases the dark times we encounter when we can open the shutters of our minds to let the light in. The shutters of our minds not only prevent the light of God to enter our situations but they also prevent us from seeing through to the provisions that have been set up for us in the heavenlies. Paul reminds us in Colossians 3:1-2, “Since, then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” To set our minds on the “things above, we need to start our prayers by celebrating God. Rather than coming before God and start of saying “my stuff”, Lets begin our prayers with statements of celebration: “Lord, I celebrate Your love for me! Lord, I celebrate Your majesty! You are enthroned on high and the heavens rejoice. And I join in the rejoicing! I am so glad that You are on the throne. I celebrate Your grace. I celebrate Your goodness. I celebrate Your wisdom. I choose to celebrate You, Lord!” We must not deny the reality of the challenges that face us in our everyday lives, but acknowledging the greater reality of Christ’s sovereign dominion, love and favor over our lives is the realization that, despite difficult circumstances on earth, Jesus has blessed us with every spiritual blessing … and He (and I, with Him) will prevail. Satan’s does not desire that we see our lives from that perspective. He wants us to keep our focus on our challenges and how weighty they may be so that we will not discover the freedom and joy that Christ has all around us. When we celebrate God in every circumstance, good or bad, and we do not take on the expression of the weak or defeated, then the lost ones around us will not feel that we are no different than they. They will know we have a special source of joy and God is that source. I effect, He is worthy of all-time celebration. Celebrate Him, the Lamb of God who takes away your sin! Rejoice in the Lord, who loves you and empowers you with His grace and presence! Death, darkness and sin have no power over you anymore! Christ has made you a child of the light and of the day! There is no reason for you to be joy-less! Celebrate the Lord; for it is not only brings joy to the heart, it brings truth to the mind and righteousness to the soul. May God bless us all with joy as we celebrate Him in all our circumstances.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 09:16:56 +0000

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