Between Awolowo and Bola iges children, Who do you think protect - TopicsExpress


Between Awolowo and Bola iges children, Who do you think protect and preserve their fathers name most? This is Muyiwa Iges statement to the police immediately after the assassination of his father, late Bola ige. You are at liberty to extract your opinion after reading this: This is from the archives. It is Muyiwa Iges statement to the police when Chief Bola Ige was killed. Observations and comments will be interesting. How My Dad Was Killed, - Muyiwa Ige I, Muyiwa Ige, son of Chief Bola ige, residing at 21, Sariyu Adebisi Road, was with my father, Chief Bola Ige, on Sunday December 23, 2002 all day. We had gone on a trip to Lagos to pick up his ailing brother, to bring him to the hospital. We returned to Ibadan at about 5.45 pm and headed for the Oluyoro Hospital to drop my fathers brother. We checked him into the hospital in the presence of Mrs. A. Ige and Sir Dele Ige, and returned to my Dads residence with Mrs. A. Ige. We arrived at 8, Akinlabi Sanda Close at about 8.15/8.20 pm. My father instructed his drivers and Security Detail to wait to take my aunt (Mrs. A. Ige) home to Ring Road before going to eat. My father and I came into the house with my aunt and I went to see my Mum in her wing of the house. My Dad proceeded upstairs to his bedroom. Approximately, fifteen minutes (15 minutes) after the arrival (being in my mums room with my wife, son, cousin, aunt and mum) all of a sudden two men came in with guns (one pump action and one pistol) and moved everyone into my mums room. The first statement they made was that they were sent to kill all of us but if my mum offered them foreign exchange they would let her and the rest of us go. My mum pleaded with them not to kill anybody and that they should take all the money they find. They ransacked her room, carried her bag with whatever miscellanous trinket they could find. They held us all hostage (about 11 of us) while they searched. Then there was a gun shot. They remained in the room for another two or three minutes and then locked us all in my mums room. Not knowing if they had left we started praying. About fifteen minutes after the gun shot there was a knock on the door. We kept on shouting Blood of Jesus. There was another knock. Shortly thereafter, I heard my nephews voice behind the door. We yelled that we were locked in. He opened us up. My sister and I immediately ran for my Dads room and I found him lying flat on the floor. I picked him up to apply CPR and noticed that there was a bullet wound on his left chest. I picked him up with some other people and took him to Oluyoro Hospital. At the hospital, he was reported to be dead. Amongst the 11 people in the room were two new faces (apparently security guards, in addition to the DEGUARDS personnel- Security Co). I observed earlier in the day, that these two gentlemen had been in the waiting area of the house. In addition to the statement made on December 24, 2001, I wish to further clarify the two persons that were stated to be unknown to me in my Dads house. On Sunday morning, these two young men had come with one Mr Bosun to see my Dad (with regard to providing additional security survelliance at Esa-Oke during the Christmas period. There was another big guy that Bosun introduced me to (I believe his name his Segun) as one of the people he had organised to provide security for Dad . On that fateful Sunday, I had visited my parents with my family (wife and son), on the way back from church. As I came into the waiting room of the house, I observed some people waiting. Amongst them were these three young men (two medium size and one big guy) coming into the house. I saw my Dads S.S. detail and Mr. Bosun having a chat. As soon as they saw me, their posture and counternance changed. I even remarked that what were they discussing and what did they have in common. Bosun now called me aside and introduced the big guy to me as one of his boys that he had arranged to provide security for my Dad. I asked if my Dad was aware and Bosun said yes. Later on in the day, on the way back from Lagos with my Dad, my Dad called the house from his mobile phone to inform my Mum that we would be running late and that the people waiting for him to go to Esa should come back in the morning (6.30 am. Monday December 24th) because we would be setting out to go to Esa Oke by 7.00 a.m. What appeared very obvious is the fact that these two young men were in the house when my Dad and I returned from Lagos. Also, during the incident, when we were locked up in the room, the two young men were in the room with us. However, after I returned from the hospital to break the news to my Mum, the two young men had fled. With regards to Mr. Bosun, I first met him some months back. However, the meeting was remarkable, I was in my Dads house and I was informed that a young man had wanted to see my Dad. I inquired for his details. Later I went to see him and he stated that he had been with my Dad at a meeting in Ijebu-Igbo and my Dad had asked him to come and see him. Bosun arrived the house earlier than my Dad that evening. What was curious was the fact that he had parked his vehicle at the top of the road-at the junction and had walked over. Observing this I asked one of my Dads aides (Dixon) if he knew the Bosun guy and to go and walk-by Bosuns car to see if he recognizes him. Dixon came back and said that Bosun was one of the young people that attended meetings in Ijebu-Igbo. He also stated that Bosun and his group did not like my Dad, initially, but that maybe my Dad was beginning to win them over. This initial meeting with Bosun was troubling to me (particularly since he could not park his vehicle close to my Dads house). Everytime that I would see him come to see my Dad, there was no time that he parked his vehicle close to the house. I just made mental notes of these things. Dixon may be able to shed more light on Bosuns personality, the youth organisation he belongs to, their role and position in Afenifere, their relationship with my Dad. Bosuns intention that fateful Sunday (with the so called Security Guards), and the whereabouts of the two young men he brought must be questioned. Additional questions for Bosun should be that while instruction had been given by my Dad that all of them should return the next day, why were these two young men waiting in the house? Also, where is the third person, the big guy? This additional statement is to further clarify my last statement, regarding the two persons that were stated to have been in the room with us. After further clarification and verification with the other people that were locked up in the room, it was to be verified that the young men that I saw in the morning had left the house before I returned with my Dad from Lagos. However, I still maintain that there were brought into, the room verified that the unknown face was that of a friend of the security guard. After returning home from the hospital, the Deguards personnel and the unknown fact (person) had left the premises. The items stolen from our house include: sums of money (=N=300,000), Andermars Piguet Gold watch (name verified), Jewellery, I No. missing burgundy brief case (leather + suede), Diplomatic passport (Chief Bola Ige). Further to my statement, I can recall that there were two unexpired cartridges by my Dads body. And the third cartridge was found by the CP + Police when they were conducting a search of the room where my Dads body was found).
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:29:33 +0000

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