Between Sheikh Ahmad Gummi & Rev. Father Ejike Mbaka. Whenever - TopicsExpress


Between Sheikh Ahmad Gummi & Rev. Father Ejike Mbaka. Whenever Sheikh Ahmad Gummi makes any public statement perceived to be critical of the APC presidential candidate General Muhammadu Buhari, we bay for his blood, and even question the authenticity of his scholarship, in addition to calling him names and threatening him. Besides, we castigate him for using his position to play politics when he should be politically aloof and neutral. Are those attacking Gummi honest or sincere? When the Catholic Priest of the Adoration Centre Enugu, Rev. Father Ejike Mbaka, called on President Goodluck Jonathan to stand aside because of his failure to perform, the same Nigerians insulting Gummi are now wildly celebrating Mbaka and enthusiastically sharing his statement on the social media. Doesnt the rule of political neutrality apply to Rev. Father Mbaka? Why is this rule only applicable to Sheikh Ahmad Gummi? If Gummi should be denounced for making perceived political statements, why should we tolerate or celebrate the same statement from the Catholic Priest of Enugu? If we insist religious leaders should be politically neutral, then the rule must apply across the board. If we criticise CAN President Oritsejafor and Gummi for alleged partisanship, then we shouldnt bend the rule to favour any religious leader making political statement.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 05:45:14 +0000

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