Between the Hobby Lobby case and the situation of children coming - TopicsExpress


Between the Hobby Lobby case and the situation of children coming across from Central America/Mexico, social media has become of hot stew of venom, ignorance, hyperbole, and just plain crazy. I have my views on both, and Ive thought about posting on them just like many others have. I actually wrote a long post on my view of the Hobby Lobby case, posted it to my Google+ page, and was getting ready to do the same on Facebook. When I got to my FB page, I noticed a post by Ronald Lindeboom saying how he was no longer posting political stuff. I read his post, and I changed my mind and deleted the post on Googe+. Whats the point in posting stuff when people will just tear you apart if they disagree with you, or worse stop talking to you. When my wife posted on a controversial issue a while back, she actually had people unfriend her because of her views. I told her that those people must have never really been a friend to start with, for anyone who would want to cut of communication with you based on your beliefs on an issue needs to learn what being a real friend is all about. I have lots of friends who I passionately disagree with on many issues Zee Sh, Robert Porter DjWonderbread - Im looking at you!), but I love that about them. I love hearing their point of view on things, and I would never think less of them for holding different views. I believe (and hope) that they do the same. If you consider yourself a well rounded person, then prove it by taking someone to lunch who has vastly different views then you, and LISTEN to them. You dont have to agree, but you should be able to understand more of where they are coming from. What have we become people? What have we let the Rush Limbaughs and Rachel Maddows of the world turn us into? Have we become so polarized, so partisan that we can longer think for ourselves? Have we lost the ability to talk to each other, to understand the meaning of compromise? People blast our leaders (rightly so in my opinion) for failing us by not finding common ground to fix our nations problems. But arent we as people just as guilty of the same thing? Instead of trying to understand and hear the other side of an issue, people blast the opposition with exaggerated catch phrases (war on women - really? If you use that phrase, then never complain when someone says war on Christmas...its the same level of hyperbole folks). Weve moved into this awful soundbite world - who needs the whole story, after all...partisan news outlets will tell me what I need to know, right? They give me both sides of the issue fairly, right? I love my country, but I really do feel sad for what its become. I would hope and pray that in my life time things will change. I dont expect us all to ever get along entirely, but I would hope that a level of respect for those with different views would find its way back into society. I fear what we will become is we dont.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 17:39:33 +0000

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