Between you and God Luke 8:1-55 In my reading this morning the - TopicsExpress


Between you and God Luke 8:1-55 In my reading this morning the Holy Spirit revealed to me that there are some things that the Lord does for you that are meant to be between just you and God. When he healed the man possessed with the demon He told him to “Return to your house and tell what great things God has done for you.” But when he resurrected Jairus’s daughter He told “them tell no one what had happened.” Both miracles performed, both people restored and yet one He tells to tell others and the one He tells to tell no one. There are some things that are meant to be kept just between you and God for a reason. In my spirit I believe it’s because sometimes what you see as a miracle from God others will see as something totally opposite and it will cause them to be disillusioned about who God is. Earlier in the text when He cleansed the man of the demons the people ran away because they were afraid of His power and they perceived Him to be a threat. Only after hearing from the man that had been cleansed did they accept and welcome Jesus upon His return. If their reaction to dispelling demons was so hostile what would they think of someone who had brought someone back from the dead? Rather than believe that He was the Son of God, He would have been believed to be evil or at the very least in league with the devil and that would have defeated the purpose of the miracle. Jesus preforms miracles to prove to the people that He was the Son of God and they would believe and be saved. Some miracles like parables people will understand and some they won’t. And things we don’t understand we fear and ultimately try to destroy Think about it there have been things that God has done for you that have taken you from level of faith to another until you told someone about it and it caused you to change the way you felt. What you thought to be a blessing has now caused you to doubt and question what God has done based on someone else’s opinion. Sometimes some things should be kept between you and God. Affirmation for today: Father thank you for allowing Your Word to strengthen me that I will be able to stand on it. Thank you that knowing who You are in spite of what other’s think and say nothing will not destroy my faith. Father I pray for more knowledge of You. Today the Word of God is hidden in my hearth and it will lead, guide, strengthen and comfort me. Suggestion for Today: Pray for discernment!
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 15:06:54 +0000

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