Beware IRS Scams. Yesterday, I recieved a phone call from a woman - TopicsExpress


Beware IRS Scams. Yesterday, I recieved a phone call from a woman named Julia Marshan. According to her shes calling from the IRS office, shes looking for my husband, Fidelis Piano. I informed her that my husband is not around, I am the wife and I can take care of the problem. She gave me the IRS office number to call 202-241-7691. So when I called this number a man answered and introduced himself as an IRS officer Frank Murphy. He informed me that we owe money from the IRS. I told him to just send it by mail so we can just look at it. But he told me that the IRS already sent letters of notification multiple times but weve been ignoring it, maybe because were too busy working or were out of the country, he added. I told him that, its not true because eventhough my husband is working from Monday to Friday, I always at home all the time because Im on medical leave for almost 3 months now. Murphy started to talk sarcastically by saying, so you deliberately ignoring the letter, in that case we already sent your case to the court and theyve issued a warrant of arrest for you for not attending the IRS problem. Those words automatically got into my nerve. What?!!, theres a court right away?, why is that, we always acknowledge whatever the problem is and we are willing to pay as long as you send us the bill, and I think its not supposed to get us arrested right away without giving us the chance to pay for it?, I responded annoyingly. Yes you gonna get arrested because you are raising your voice while playing around with the IRS officer, actually I gonna get you arrested right now, and then he hanged up the phone. After 30 secs, the phone rang again. A man introduced himself as a sheriff named Officer Jerry Jones said he is going to arrest me. I also heard a police sirene at the background. What!!!! for what reason????, I asked. He responded, Because you are playing around with the IRS and refused paying the money you owed. WHERE ARE YOU, IM GOING TO ARREST YOU!, he added. Hes going to arrest me but he doesnt know where I am. I was thinking. I looked outside the house from my window to check if theres a police car infront of my house, but theres none. The police sirene was only hears from the phone on the background while I was talking to Officer Jerry Jones. I started to doubt him, Ok, Officer Jerry Jones, youre going to arrest me but you dont know where I am. Why should I tell you where I am, its your problem to find me where I am. Anyways, if you could tell me how much money we owed from the IRS, I am willing to negotiate with it because I dont wanna go to jail. How much?, I said diplomatically. Ok, in that case you need to talk to Officer Murphy again find out if you can still fix your problem with him, Jerry Jones said, then he hanged up the phone. After he hanged up the phone I called Hayward police from my cellphone. A lady officer answered the phone. I started to narrate the incident when the landline phone rang again. The number 202-241-7691 was calling, I requested the Hayward police officer to hold, I answered the landline phone, Murphy was on the line and started to tell me that I really need to get arrested because he is tired of me playing around with him. While he was talking, I went back to my cp and talked to the Hayward police about these people from the IRS that kept threatening me. Hayward police told me thats a SCAM. So I went back to the other line and told Murphy, I reported you to the police. Ok, I want to talk to that police Murphy said. I turned the speaker on of my cp, and Hayward police said, thats a scam! put down the phone because thats a scam. the police said loud and clear. Did you hear that Murphy? Murphy didnt answer and I just heard a click sound, he just hanged up the phone. Today, I called the IRS office and verified if we owe anything from them. The legitimate IRS officer informed me that we owe nothing. Ireported the incident to him, the IRS advised me to fill-up the IRS Impersonation Reporting form in the IRS website to formally report the incident. Beware FB friends with these IRS scams if you havent encounter them yet.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 23:48:23 +0000

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