Beware of false prophets they are right in your - TopicsExpress


Beware of false prophets they are right in your neighborhood.Cloaked with colorful flowerly post.Be careful they are wolves disguising as sheep. 59-1108 POSSESSING.THE.ENEMYS.GATES_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-11 N-6 SUNDAY_ 34 Stand alone. Walk out there and say, Though He slay me, yet Ill trust Him. Thats the seed of Abraham. Thats the One that gives the promise. No matter what the rest of them says, and the rest of them do; For me and my house, well serve God, said... If the rest of them says theres nothing to the experience, its a bunch of excitement; For me and my house, we will serve God. And I like to take up with Paul right here and say, In the way thats called heresy so worship I the God of our fathers. Though they be tattlers come in the church, though they be twisters, and though they be all kinds of false prophets, and everything come into the church amongst the people, and in the neighborhood and everything, but for me and for my house, well serve the Lord. Though all of them quit coming, though the church gets cold, indifferent; me and my house, well serve the Lord. Though if someone was prayed for and didnt get well, that has nothing to do with it; for me and my house, we serve the Lord. The testings and the trials...
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 13:07:55 +0000

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