Beware of those whose focus is consistently on favor. Often, - TopicsExpress


Beware of those whose focus is consistently on favor. Often, those who are favored are actually those deemed most EASILY INFLUENCED and CONTROLLABLE. And...think about this: Those who SEEK favor are missing the the pursuit of favor remains an act of self-interest. If we seek favor...we view the one who can BESTOW favor as a MEANS to an END. In other words...we belittle the importance of the one we are seeking when we but USE them to fulfill our own desires. FAVOR should NEVER be it can only be GIVEN and RECEIVED. Do we pursue God for favor...or do we seek Him to WORSHIP offer ourselves to Him as LIVING SACRIFICES? Those in Scripture who found favor in the sight of God did so by pursuing HOLINESS...not seeking favor! The present-day doctrines of favor bear little resemblance to the reality of PULPITS lead the SHEEP into UNPROTECTED PASTURES. Sheep are led astray under the doctrine of the pursuit of happiness overtakes the pursuit of HOLINESS. If I have ever heard a message from the Spirit of God...I tell you today it is this: Forsake the gospel of favor...and return to the Gospel of HOLINESS. Favor can be DECEIVING...and FLEETING. How often have I witnessed those climbing the corporate ladder falsely believing they are favored. In many cases...the rungs of that ladder were steps of COMPROMISE...and...often...the one CLIMBING that ladder is not most QUALIFIED...they are just realized by LEADERSHIP to be the most CONTROLLABLE. often I have watched many climb that ladder of success...only to find it was not GOD fueling their ASCENSION. Most often...the one called by God never holds the most prominent position. Why? We are called to SERVE...which comes hardest for leaders. That is why God calls men to be SHEPHERDS...not KINGS. Shepherds SERVE: Kings RULE. Are we truly called to seek the present-day theology of favor? Listen to this answer: Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. The PURSUIT is to be CHRIST: Nothing more...nothing less. Many years ago...I spoke these words: Be careful when climbing the ladder of success: when you reach the top, you might find that the ladder was leaning against the wrong wall.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 18:33:17 +0000

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