Beware that your vote doesn’t get “TAGGED”! Here are some - TopicsExpress


Beware that your vote doesn’t get “TAGGED”! Here are some interesting FACTS concerning your ability to vote and have it counted correctly. These issues need to be addressed before 2014 elections. There is only one way you can be a bigoted, hate-mongering, lying racist and win an election. HACK the voting machines. We must not let there be any opportunity for those scrupulous elements to steal your vote! This is, and always will be, the only way the corrupt Republican Party has to win an election. The information below clearly defines why the U.S. Attorney General’s Office and Mr. Eric Holder must investigate now, not later! Romneys Son Tagg Buys Hart Voting Machines And Others To Be Used In Swing States by AllVoicesDotCom Wednesday Oct 31st, 2012 10:42 AM These voting machines were manipulated by Republican operatives in Cincinnati (Was Senator Rob Portman involved? )stole 300,000 votes in Ohio from Kerry, giving a fraudulent White House pass to G W Bush in 2004 Its time for the Obama administration to issue an executive order banning Romney owned voting machines and to seek an immediate injunction against candidate or political party connected voting machines... and to bring back the paper ballot Other Republican owned voting machine companies: Dominion (owned by a Canadian conservative company which gave Republican Gov Walker of Wisconsin a thieving victory in Wisconsin).... Diebold was the original owner of these machines ESS of Nebraska Election Systems and Software has some of the Ohio machines... when Chuck Hagel was CEO of ESS he counted his own votes and installed himself as a senator from Nebraska taggromney.jpeg taggromney.jpeg Romneys Son Tagg Buys H.I.G. Voting Machines And Others To Be Used In Swing States allvoices/contributed-news/13221476-romney-family-buys-voting-machines-through-bain-capital-investment Tagg Romney, the son of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, has purchased electronic voting machines that will be used in the 2012 elections in Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington and Colorado. Late last month, Gerry Bello and Bob Fitrakis at broke the story of the Mitt Romney/Bain Capital investment team involved in H.I.G. Capital which, in July of 2011, completed a strategic investment to take over a fair share of the Austin-based e-voting machine company Hart Intercivic, according to independent journalist Brad Friedman. But Friedman is not the only one to discover the connection between the Romney family, Bain Capital, and ownership of voting machines. Truth out reports: Through a closely held equity fund called Solamere, Mitt Romney and his wife, son and brother are major investors in an investment firm called H.I.G. Capital. H.I.G. in turn holds a majority share and three out of five board members in Hart Intercivic, a company that owns the notoriously faulty electronic voting machines that will count the ballots in swing state Ohio November 7. Hart machines will also be used elsewhere in the United States. In other words, a candidate for the presidency of the United States, and his brother, wife and son, have a straight-line financial interest in the voting machines that could decide this falls election. These machines cannot be monitored by the public. But they will help decide who owns the White House. Both The Nation and New York Times confirm the connection between the Romney family, Solamere and the Bain Capital investment in the voting machine company, Hart Intercivic, whose board of directors serve H.I.G. Capital. Mitt Romney, his wife Ann Romney, and their son Tagg Romney are also invested in H.I.G. Capital, as is Mitts brother G. Scott Romney. The investment comes in part through the privately held family equity firm called Solamere, which bears the name of the posh Utah ski community where the Romney family retreats to slide down the slopes. Truth out added. There are also political connections between Solamere and the Romneys. Matt Blunt, the former Missouri governor who backed Mr. Romney in 2008, is a senior adviser to Solamere, as is Mitt Romney’s brother, Scott, a lawyer, according to the New York Times. Voter ID and voter fraud have been top issues in the 2012 race, as have claims of Republican voter suppression. Mr. Romneys campaign has also been the subject of controversy over misleading ads, false claims, sketchy math on his tax plan, and overall vagueness on womens rights and other hot button issues. Raising further questions of legitimacy in the Romney campaign is an audio recording recently made public, where Mitt Romney is heard asking independent business owners to apply pressure to their employees to influence their votes. What has also been made public are the emails those employers have sent to their employees with an implied threat that if they dont vote for Romney they may lose their jobs. What it all says is that Mitt Romney, with the help of his family and Bain Capital connections, is more than willing to try to take the White House through illegitimate and highly unethical, if not specifically illegal means. With each passing day, the character and campaign methods of Mitt Romney cast an ever-darker shadow over free and fair American elections. Yet there is an irony in the Romney campaign that cannot be ignored. For all the noise the right-wing has made in questioning the legitimacy of Obamas presidency, there have been so many questionable efforts made to help put Romney in the White House, if he wins, there should be great dispute over whether his election could ever be called genuinely illegitimate. The nagging question is why, if Mr. Romney truly has the qualities that American voters want in their president, does he have to go to such great and questionable lengths to try to win the election. If you like writing about US politics and Campaign 2012, enter The American Pundit competition. All voices is awarding four $250 prizes each month between now and November. These monthly winners earn eligibility for the $5,000 grand prize, to be awarded after the November election. *** From other sources: • After his fathers 2008 presidential campaign ended, Mitt Romneys son, Tagg Romney, started Solamere Capital, a private equity fund, along with Spencer Zwick, the Romney campaigns top fund raiser, and a third partner, Eric Scheuermann. Tagg Romneys parents, Mitt and Ann Romney, contributed $10 million to the firms first fund. • According to the New York Times, unlike many private equity funds that specialize in scouting out companies to invest in directly, Solamere is a fund of funds that invests in 22 other private equity funds, and one of the equity firms with which Solamere Capital has partnered is H.I.G. Capital. • In 2011, H.I.G. Capital made a controlling investment in Hart InterCivic, a national provider of election voting systems, election management products and services used in hundreds of voting jurisdictions in several states, including a high-population county in the key swing state of Ohio. • Therefore, Tagg Romney allegedly holds a significant ownership interest in the manufacturer of voting machines that will be used in an election determining whether his father will become President of the United States. Davidson, Amy. Tagg Romney and His Fathers Money. The New Yorker. 1 May 2012. Eaton, Sabrina. Elections Boards Deny That Mitt Romney Backers Could Tamper with Results. The Cleveland Plain-Dealer. 24 October 2012. Fang, Lee. Tagg Team: The Romney Family Recipe for Crony Capitalism. The Nation. 29 October 2012. Froomkin, Dan. Pro-Romney Firms Purchase of Voting Machine Company Raises Alarms. The Huffington Post. 23 October 2012. Luo, Michael and Julie Creswell. Ties to Romney 08 Helped Fuel an Equity Firm. The New York Times. 30 April 2012. ************** Gods angels stop the criminal Romney syndicate now. Que Dios te bendiga! Thomas William Taylor 210-264-7059 Contemplating running for Senator Ted Cruz’s U. S. Senate seat! Mustangtommy99@gmail On Election Night, viewers watched in shock as Karl Rove refused to accept the call, confirmed by Fox News analysts, that Ohio had gone to Obama. A release claiming to be from hacker collective Anonymous alleges there was more behind Rove’s freak-out than first met the eye. The group says that it foiled Rove’s attempt to steal the election in Florida, Virginia and Ohio by using the GOP’s ORCA system. Two weeks prior to Election Night, a typical Anonymous video was released warning Rove against rigging the election. “We want you to know that we are watching you, waiting for you to make this mistake of thinking you can rig this election to your favor,” Anonymous’ ubiquitous Guy Fawkes character warned. Then, following Obama’s win and Rove’s very public outburst, a group calling themselves “The Protectors,” believed to be comprised of Anonymous hackers, sent a letter to election transparency non-profit, Velvet Revolution, claiming to have thwarted attempts by GOP strategists to flip votes and rig the election in three swing states. The letter claims that the GOP’s ORCA — a GOTV (Get Out the Vote) system — was in fact designed to rig votes in favor of Romney (although the letter does not verify this or specify how ORCA was designed to do this.) The Protectors claim that they installed a password protected firewall to block attempts to digitally rig votes: We coded and created, what we call, The Great Oz. A targeted password protected firewall that we tested and refined over the past weeks. We place this code on more than one of the digital tunnels and their destination’s that Karl’s not so smart worker bees planned to use on election night. The Protectors alleged these “digital tunnels” were leading to servers in three different states. The release claims that Rove’s operatives attempted to unsuccessfully breach The Great Oz firewall to access these tunnels throughout election night. “We watched as Karl’s weak corrupters repeatedly tried to penetrate The Great Oz. These children of his were at a loss-how many times and how many passwords did they try? — exactly 105.” Informacion es muy importante, verdad! Once again, we MUST do something now to remedy this possible avenue for CHANGING your vote, my vote and the vote of literally millions of other concerned voters! As a politician, one CANNOT continue to lie, pervert the truth and, then, expect to be re-elected unless………. Wait for it………………….they know no matter what they say the “MACHINES” will reflect HACKED VOTES!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 03:14:41 +0000

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