Beyazid asks why she is moving on the eve of giving birth. - TopicsExpress


Beyazid asks why she is moving on the eve of giving birth. Mihrimah says she wishes to be closer to her father as he needs her now. Beyazid says that for this she doesnt need to pack all her things. He says that she should tell him what is wrong because he can see that something else is making her upset. He asks if it is Rusty if he made her sad, and she holds his hand. He says that she should remember this is her palace and Rusty is her subject and that he will never allow anyone to make his beautiful sister sad. Mihrimah says that she wishes her brother could always be with her and after her mothers loss she feels so lonely. Later, Beyazid tells Abadullah that he sees that his sister is troubled and that he (abadullah) should keep his eyes on Rusty. Abadullah says that he wanted to talk about this to him and that there is something bothering him for days now, that he does not trust Rustem Pasha and that it was you who prevented me from taking his life, (but) Rustem pasha was loyal to your mother and his loyalty to you was because of your mother because as you know when the conditions change, people change too. Bey: Rustem pasha has been loyal until today and I hope that it continues this way - if not as you say and he changes with the conditions, in that case his life is yours (you may kill him then). Nurbano says to her servant that she saw the stars and that everything had two meanings and she does not know if it was good or bad and she lost her good mood because of it. Janfeda tells her that from what people say what this woman says comes true one by one. Nurbano says that Hurrem Sultan sure knew what she was doing (when she visited the woman and trusted her words). The creepy woman tells Nurbano to forgive her for making her wait and Nurbano says that if she speaks good things she will forgive her and then she says she is just joking and that Hurrem Sultan spoke highly of her (the scary woman, i feel bad calling her creepy) and the woman prays for Hurrem. Nurbano says i wonder what the last things were that you said to Hurrem Sultan. The woman: The truth. The woman starts: `I see calamity. The death of my Sultana is a sign of the storm that is about to break loose. Nur: Tell me who will survive the storm. Say what you see. Woman: I see a lion with eagle wings. And a crown on the head. Nur: What you are describing is the Venetian code of arms. It is a sign of the land I have come from. woman: The future of our dynasty will come from the womb of the Lion and the Eagle. That Sultana has already given birth to that Shehzade long ago. Rustem is with a scribe who notices Rusty is not paying attention and says my Pasha you were making me scribe a letter? Rusty: Come later agha. Selim has arrived and he greets him. Selim: we have not met since the funeral. Rusty: i am trying to get used to Hurrem Sultan not being with us. May Allah have mercy on her. Selim: It is difficult of course. Our tranquility has been shaken to the core. My mothers early death has changed everyones future. usty: That is the case of course, but only mighty Allah knows the future. Selim: You know too that we will wake up to a new world and which part of this world do you want to be in? Rusty: My place is very clear - in Sultan Suleymans world. Selim: No are very important to this state, but as long as your loyalty continues to Beyazid, you will lose. Rusty: What do you want from me? Selim: Soon everyone will be on my side. When that day comes, hopefully you are not too late. Beyazid has come to see Rusty and Zal tells him he will give word, but Beyazid says there is no need. He enters and sees Selim there. Selim: Our conversation is over, you both must have work to do. Bey: What business does he have here? Rusty: I am not about to hide anything from you - our Shehzade is after new alliances. He said it would be better for me to be on his side. Bey: What did you respond to him? Rusty: What are you saying my Shehzade? As if you dont know my answer? OR do you not have trust in me. Bey: I have trust in you Rustem Pasha, I do not trust Selim. He will even try to make Satan wear his shoes the wrong way. Rusty: He will definitely try to muddy the waters. But do not believe it, I will always be on your side. Bey: Good. I heard things are not good between you and Mihrimah. I do not know the details, I have no intention to get between you, but Mihrimah is my precious - and I convinced her to stay in her palace. Stay with her in these difficult days. Do not neglect her. Rustem nods. Nurbano tells Janfeda that she heard what the soothsayer said that the future will be Selims and her star will shine. Janfeda says hopefully and then Nurbano says yes but then she realizes Defne is Venedian too when she sees her and then she says How could I forget?? How? If the womans foretelling is referring to her? Beyazid holds his child: how beautiful my lion sleeps. The innocent faces of children are the only things that consoles one from the grief of death. Defne: You have exhausted yourself for many days. If you could sleep for a bit. Bey hands his child over to a servant and says: Sleep is now forbidden to me...Selim wont stop, and he is chasing after ugly alliances. Defne: Nurbano is the same. If you had heard the words coming from her mouth at the funeral she said: Hurrem Sultan died and now your shehzade is alone. Bey: A cariye that who really matches Selim! (Beyazid, my dear, you just made me smile :D) Bey: My fear is that Selim will attack at the first opportune moment and I wont be able to keep the word that I gave to my mother. (aferin benim aslan Beyazidim! :) ) Defne tells him: When the issue is about your child, what can stop a person? You have five boys Beyazid. If you hesitate and fall prey to your mercy, every one of their necks will become targets for arrows! (they will die). Do not forget this. This is your guide. Whenever you find yourself in trouble, remind yourself of these words. Selim meanwhile is with Nurbano who tells him she had gone to the soothsayer and that the things she told her...Selim tells her not to listen to fakers. She says that she does not think so because if that was the case then Hurrem would not have gone all the way to visit her and trust her words. nut: One by one everything she says has happened. She knew about Hurrem Sultans illness and even her death. She said such important things that... Selim: Enough. Nur: She said that when one of the shehzades gets on the throne, the other will have long been in his grave. She said that the dynastys future will flow from a Venedian woman. Selim: In that case you... nuR: I thought that too, but Defne Khatun, is also from Venidice. And she has a shehzade too. When I think about this possibility I get destroyed inside. I sent that woman with my own hands! Now there is no running away. Whatever mercy left you have left for Beyazid, cut it out and throw it away. When our Hunkar is done grieving, and leaves his shell then he must be made aware of the chest that was sent to you. The table is being laid and mihrimah is with Sumbul and she asks if Rustem has arrived yet and her servant replies no that he has not. Sumbul asks what is making her so unhappy like this. She says it is not important. Sumbul says that if it was not important she would not be like this especially in her current pregnant condition. Sumbul adds that just as he was the secret vault for Hurrem, he is ready to listen to her secrets as well and asks if it is about Rustem. Mihrimah answers that she does not know how to say it, but that Rustem has some relationship with that Signora Mendez. Sumbul replies that that is impossible because everyone knows of his love and loyalty to mihrimah. Mihrimah says she feels it as a woman and that day after day he is getting more distant. Sumbul says he cannot get too far away...but then he notices that Mihrimah has gone into labour and says it is too early but then calls for the doctors. Meanwhile, Gracia is with Rustem [( in our brain a flashback missing Ibrahim Pasha and Nigar Kalfas scene :D )] and says bon appetite. Then she asks about the situation in the palace and he says that they are still grieving, it is not easy... Gra: I heard that a storm was going to break soon... A fight between the Shehzades is going to reach a point where they cannot turn back from. It is clear that Sh. Selim wont stop. Rustem: Who said this? Your nephew? Did he learn all this from Sh. Selim? Gra: It doesnt matter who said it. You should trust my words. Rusty: Speak.. Gra: Sh. Selim has a chest that Sh. Bey sent him. If Sultan Suleyman sees it, nobody will be able to save Beyazid. Sh. Selim must be waiting for the right time. Suleyman is awoken by a knock in the next scene, and Gulfem enters Hurrems room and tells him that Mihrimah Sultan bore a male son in the morning. We then see Bey wishing her child a long life, and Mih wishes that her mother was around to see her son, and says that his mouth and nose look just like Hurrems. Bey: Where is Rustem Pasha? Mih: Only Allah knows... Selim enters the room and prays for the babys future. Mih: Dont think that I am caught up with my own troubles so much that I forgot about both of you. The promise I made to our mother stands. I want peace like she did. I hope you dont remove her advice from your minds ..
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 04:35:01 +0000

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