Bhalla calls for expansion of horti activities in - TopicsExpress


Bhalla calls for expansion of horti activities in Anantnag Inspects pace on Batengoo Fruit Mandi SRINAGAR, JULY 17: Minister for Housing and Horticulture, Mr. Raman Bhalla has called upon the officers to double their efforts to tap optimal potential of horticulture in the Anantnag district. He said south Kashmir is hub of horticulture activities and still there is lot of scope for expansion and officers must make serious efforts to identify new areas and bring them in horticulture ambit. The Minister said this while interacting with the horticulture officers at Anantnag, where he had gone to assess the overall scenario of horticulture activities and infrastructure of fruit markets. Maintaining that Jammu and Kashmir, especially the Kashmir Valley has been blessed with rich environment for horticulture cultivation and stressed the need for launching a massive campaign to educate the farmers/fruit growers about the Government schemes so that more and more people come forward and involve them in this sector. He said horticulture is the mainstay of State’s economy wherein over 70 per cent population directly or indirectly associated and earning their livelihood. He said Government was fully committed to promote this sector to exploit its optimal potential from the new areas to improve the State’s economy further. Expressing gratitude to the central leadership, especially Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh and UPA Chairperson, Smt. Sonia Gandhi for their whole hearted support to the State, particularly for the promotion of horticulture sector, Mr. Bhalla said that during their recent tour to Kashmir Valley, these leaders endorsed the efforts of State Government for boosting the horticulture sector. He said the State Government vociferously pleaded the case before these leaders for granting special Central package to promote the horticulture sector on the analogy of other hilly States and they agreed to extend necessary assistance under Prime Minister’s Reconstruction Programme (PMRP). Regarding strengthening of marketing activities, the Minister said that the Government has formulated a well-knit programme for upgradation of existing infrastructure in the important fruit mandisacross the State. He said Government is aware about the problems of fruit growers and traders and several measures have been initiated to address them in phased manner. He said the network of mandis will be further strengthened and some new projects are under active consideration of the Government. He said that bottlenecks for construction of Jablipora Fruit Mandi have been cleared and shortly the work would start on this important project. In order to provide quality plant material to the farmers, the Minister directed the officers to streamline the activities of nurseries in the district. He stressed the need for producing quality plant material and providing to the farmers on genuine rates. He also called for providing timely technical know-how to the growers so that they get good results, adding that the department must maintain close liaison with the growers and address their problems on ground. He directed the field staff to hold awareness camps in the rural areas for the benefits of the growers. He also called for highlighting the Government schemes so that maximum people can avail benefits out of these schemes. While inspecting the pace of development of Fruit and Vegetable MandiBatengoo, Anantnag, the Minister was informed that the work is at the final stage and only some petty works needs to be carried out. It was given to understand that on completion, the Mandi will cater to the marketing needs of thousands of growers/traders who are residing around Bijbehara, Anantnag, Kulgam, Khanabal, and other adjoining localities. The Mandi is situated just at the road side and quite suitable for the traders and growers. The Minister was informed that till date an amount of Rs. 1.37 crore has been spent on various civil works. The Mandi has the provision of over 100 shops, which stand already allotted to the traders, besides the facilities of public utilities, auction sheds, drinking water, electricity, administrative block. The Minister directed the officers to speed up the pace and complete the project at the earliest so that facility is handed over to the traders. He also interacted with the local growers and traders and asked them to produce quality products and develop competitiveness in the market to fetch good rates of their produces. He said during the past some years there are complaints from some outside markets about the poor quality of fruits dispatched from the Valley, adding that such complaints bring bad name for the State and such practices needs to be discouraged in the future. He asked for maintaining the trust in good trade activities across the country, as Jammu and Kashmir’s horticulture products are globally famous, said Mr. Bhalla. Mr. Bhalla also inspected a number of nurseries and other assets of Horticulture and Planning & Marketing in the district. Earlier, during the review meeting of officers, the Minister was informed that in district Anantnag, there is 19000 hectares of land is under fresh fruit cultivation and 16000 hectares is under dry fruit cultivation. The district produces over 1 crore boxes of fresh fruits. There was revenue of Rs. 281 crore from fresh fruits and Rs. 210 crore from dry fruits during the previous fiscal. The department has proposed to expand 81 hectares of new land under Technology Mission. The department will also undertake rejuvenation of old and senile orchards on over 400 hectares during the current fiscal. The work on establishment of 20 units of wormy compost, 30 tube-wells, 3 big water storage tanks and 8 pack houses is in progress, the Minister was informed. Chief Horticulture Officer, Anantnag and officers of Planning & Marketing accompanied the Minister.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 13:29:03 +0000

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