Bhishma Instructs Yudhisthira Maharaja, Part 15 Maharaja - TopicsExpress


Bhishma Instructs Yudhisthira Maharaja, Part 15 Maharaja Yudhisthira inquired, My dear Grandfather, what should a king intelligently do after having lost all of his prosperity? Bhishma replied, Yudhisthira, when one has fallen into a very distressed condition of life, being bereft of friends, relatives, wealth and reputation, he should practice fortitude and not give way to grief under any circumstance. Indulgence in grief destroys ones personal beauty, duration of life, prosperity and virtue. One who constantly dwells upon his misfortune loses all enthusiasm, mental equilibrium, and bodily strength. In this way, he meets with total defeat in life. On the other hand, if a distressed person remains fixed and undisturbed, he can easily regain his position when the next opportunity arises. Maharaja Yudhisthira asked, By what symptoms can one ascertain the future greatness or fall of a person? Bhishma replied, The mind is the indicator of ones future prosperity or degradation. In this connection, Bhishma related how Lakshmi had once come before Indra. When the King of heaven asked about the purpose of her visit, Lakshmidevi replied, Indra, formerly I had dwelt with the Asuras because of their meritorious behavior. But, now, since they have acted unrighteously, I am going to reside with you. Indra requested, My dear goddess, please describe to us the behavior of the Asuras that had formerly obliged you to reside with them, as well as the behavior that induced you to leave them. Lakshmi replied, I become attached to those persons who strictly follow their occupational duties and act according to religious principles. Formerly, the Danavas were very clean and charitable, and they carefully controlled their passions. They performed sacrifices and studied the Vedas, they were respectful to their superiors, and they were eloquent in speech. They had a sense of shame, they rose before sunrise, and they were compassionate toward the weak. In general, they were distinguished by all good qualities. Because of this, I had dwelt with the Danavas for a long time, ever since the beginning of creation. In due course of time, however, the Danavas behavior changed as they became victims of lust and anger. The young became so disrespectful toward superiors that they would not even stand up when elders entered the room. In the Danavas society, those persons that attained wealth by unrighteous means became highly esteemed. Sons began to lord it over their parents and wives did the same with their husbands. Cooks no longer observed the rules of purity, and everyone simply ate without offering their food to the demigods or the Supreme Lord. Animals were eaten without having first been offered in sacrifice. Parents abandoned their unwanted offspring after begetting them irresponsibly. Shudras studied the Vedas and performed austerities, and everyone continued to sleep after the sun had risen. Learned brahmanas were no longer given respect, disciples no longer honored their gurus, and the gurus treated their disciples as friends. In general, the bounds of good behavior were transgressed. For this reason, I have left the Danavas and come here. My dear Indra, I hope that you will receive me respectfully and maintain me by righteous behavior. Indra welcomed Lakshmidevi with great joy, as did the other demigods, and at that time, all auspicious signs became visible. From that day on, the demigods acted virtuously without deviation. As a result, they quickly became endowed with every sort of prosperity. Maharaja Yudhisthira asked, Bhishma, what kind of man is dear to everyone and endowed with all virtuous qualities? Bhishma replied, One day, as He conversed with King Ugrasena, Lord Krishna described Narada Muni as follows: Grandfather, the great devarshi Narada has no yearning whatsoever for economic development or sense gratification. He is sinless, and he loves all creatures, viewing them with equal vision. He is truly devoid of enviousness and malice and so he never rejoices at others misfortunes. Narada Muni is perfectly truthful in speech and he never indulges in self-glorification. His speech is always very mild. Although he has the capacity of seeing within the hearts of all, he never unnecessarily blames anyone nor divulges others secrets. Because of all these wonderful qualities, Narada Muni is forever the object of respect and worship for all others.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 04:13:39 +0000

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