Bhutan, Papua New Guinea defang the Snake (The Arkansas - TopicsExpress


Bhutan, Papua New Guinea defang the Snake (The Arkansas Times) Thimphu: The commander-in-chief of the joint chiefs of staff of the Papuo-Bhutanese Expeditionary Force (PBEF), Goonglon (Lieutenant General) Gelephu Dorjee issued an official statement on saturday declaring the liberation of the strategically and tactically important Transnistrian Black Sea fortress island called Snake Island. He said that the island fell after two days of intense fighting and significant casualties on both sides. As the Papuan Atlantic Fleet approached the island on thursday morning, its aircraft carriers launched Royal Bhutan Air Force (RBAF) and PNG Naval Air Wing (PNAW) fighter-bombers to strike the fortresss SAM sites, logistics centers, bridges and telecommunications installations to cripple the islands ability to withstand a prolonged battle. The few Transnistrian aircraft that were scrambled to help the fortress from nearby air bases were swatted down like flies by the mighty Thunder Dragons of the RBAF. The aerial bombardment was followed by a tremendous naval barrage as the Papuan navys corvettes and frigates unleashed hundreds of missiles that hit the fortifications on the island like a thunderclap. The deafening noise of the rockets ruptured many a eardrum and dismembered many a corpse as the Transnistrian defenders were left in utter shock. They hadnt recovered from their trauma yet when they were in for another shock as several hundred landing craft appeared and unloaded their deadly cargo of tanks, IFVs, APCs and men. The first soldiers ashore were soldiers of the Bhutanese 7th Infantry Division, who landed on the southern side of the island 24 km south of the main fortress. Their mission was the neutralization of a gun battery that had the capability to threaten the free movement of ships in the vicinity. In the intense, grueling combat that followed, troops from the Transnistrian 138 Infantry Regiment were pitted against soldiers of the RBAs 75th Royal Fusilier Cavalry. Lieutenant Wangrun Namgyal performed bravely as he personally took out three machine gun nests and knocked out a 340mm gun, killing 15 Transnistrians in the process. He has been recommended for the Iron Dragon Medal. In these preliminary operations, the 7th Infantry Division suffered 47 dead and 85 wounded, while Transnistrian dead and captured numbered over 750. The operation provided a protected anchorage for the fleet and eliminated the threat from coastal artillery The main landing was made by XXIV Corps and III Amphibious Corps on the Tchaikovsky beaches on the western coast of Snake Island. The 2nd Marine Division conducted a demonstration off the Plekhanov beaches on the southeastern coast to confuse the Transnistrians about Bhutanese intentions and delay movement of reserves from there. The 10th Papuan Marine division swept across the west-central part of the island with relative ease by modern standards, capturing the Guevara and Castro fortifications within hours of the landing. In light of the weak opposition, Lt. General Drongchung (PBEF Field Commander) decided to proceed immediately with Phase II of his plan—the seizure of the main fortress on the northern side, called Fort Trotsky. The 6th Infantry Division headed up the Medvedev Isthmus by dusk on the first day, and had sealed off Fort Trotsky from three sides. PBEF area commanders sent a radio message suggesting an unconditional surrender, the Garrison Commander at Fort Trotsky however was in no mood to surrender, he declared that his men would fight on, to the last man, to the last bullet. A bitter, exhausting bloodbath ensued as PBEF soldiers slugged it out to wrest control of the formidable redoubt. After hours of combat and horrendous casualties on both sides, Fort Trotsky surrendered and its commander lay dead among the dead. According to credible information from Reporters Sans Frontières, PBEF lost 900 men, killed and wounded, while the Transnistrians lost 6000 men, killed, wounded or captured in this, the first battle of the war. The troops on the island took some well deserved rest as they recuperate for even greater missions ahead. It is believed that the PBEF plan is to sail up the Dniester river to another formidable fortress town at Bender and establish a bridgehead there for further operations deep into Transnistrian territory. They will however encounter a strong and disciplined Transnistrian army en route to Tiraspol. Inset: (Anti-clockwise from Top Left); RBAF aircraft of the 175th Aqua Dragon Squadron diving in to bomb Snake Island, PNGS Phallicus launches a missile, Papuan 10th Marine Division advancing rapidly, and RBA 6th Infantry Division moving in to assault Fort Trotsky.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 19:38:21 +0000

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