BiOptimization Breakthrough Weekend - Living Life without limits. - TopicsExpress


BiOptimization Breakthrough Weekend - Living Life without limits. I am so grateful for the BiOptimizer Protocol for Healthy High Performance because it allows me to do things that sometimes blows me away... This weekend was rocking on Friday had an epic Leg Workout with Stefan Pylarinos (check out his epic site Project Life Mastery), walked half way around the seawall, had a full business day and a late night out with friends. then after only grabbing 5 hours sleep on Friday night I was up early for a workout, then a 5 hour business seminar with Kreel Hutchinson and about 20 distributors for my Kangen Water business which was full on fun! After the seminar a good friend of mine Ernesto asked if I would hold space for him during a Native American Ceremony going on that night… I was happy to attend and we stayed up all night long. A handful of Masszymes - P3-OM and I was good to go without any stimulants. The next morning we went to breakfast and then off to an Ecstatic Dance later that morning (for those that dont know this a drug free dance party which we had a great time dancing with a ton of friends I havent seen). Again fuelled up on some more Massyzmes and P3-OM with some Bio-Vitamins and Bio-Minerals and Boom! I was ripping it up like it aint no thing. Ernesto went for a sleep that afternoon but I was still going strong so I slammed some more Protein Breakthrough, P3-Om, Masszymes, Bio-Vitamins, and Bio-Minerals then went for a walk in the Vancouver sun, got a quick massage to work out my legs, then had a lovely dinner with my two of my favourite people in the world Kasandra Jewall and her lovely daughter Amarah Jewall. Sunday night had me reading an amazing book called Parasite Rx which shares how amazing parasites and bacteria are- mind blowing. A full 8 hours a sleep and boom I was ready to go with a litter of Kangen water, Masszymes, P3-Om, Bio-Vitamins and Bio-Minerals. Why am I writing this you might ask: Real simple. Every day I hear reports of people tired, sick, low energy, or lack of motivation. People have digestive problems, back aches, skin conditions, headaches, constipation, etc. etc. Thanks to a host of a bunch of great health, wellness and performance mentors I was fortunate enough to figure out how to optimize the bodys innate capacity to heal itself, generate incredible amounts of energy and sustain mental focus for many hours without suffering from fatigue. Not only do I not worry about disease or illness, I feel like I have a deep level of reserve energy that I can tap into if I need it. I outlined the steps in my book Co-written with Detox and Health Optimization Expert Katrine Volynsky called Staying Alive in at Toxic world, and now soon I will be revealing the exact Blueprint I and my clients and close friends use to turn their bodies into Fat Burning Furnaces with enough Energy to run the Energizer Bunny into the ground. The great news is - YOU CAN DO IT TOO. WE have built the most incredible easy to follow healthy high performance protocol on the planet and it works for virtually anyone if you follow the steps. So if your tired, sick or if you want to take your body, health, and mental focusing powers to the next level… email me, stay tuned for an upcoming launch of the program to the public for the first time ever. Its a game changer. Love and light Wade Lightheart P.S. Special presentation this Tuesday Hey everybody if you get a chance be sure to come out to Tuesday Nights Water 101 demonstration at 633 Kingshorn Mews on Tuesday or Kreel Hutchinsons on Thursday at 7pm. Both nights will be full houses with lots of fun for everyone.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 01:50:15 +0000

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