Bible Study on Facebook Topic: MARKS OF MATURITY Intro. A. - TopicsExpress


Bible Study on Facebook Topic: MARKS OF MATURITY Intro. A. With respect to advancement and development, there are two classes of Christians--the mature and immature. 1. One is either mature or immature, or somewhere in between. B. Some are immature by reason of time (they are novices or new converts); others are immature by reason of failure (through neglect or indifference they have failed to grow). C. The word perfect as found in the N.T. means, having reached its end, finished, complete. It is used (I) of persons, (a) primarily of physical development, then, with ethical import, fully grown, mature..; (II) of things, complete, perfect...referring to the complete revelation of Gods will and ways... (Vine) 1. Here are a few examples of how the word is used: Col. 1:28; 4:12; 1 Cor. 13:9-10; James 1:25. D. All of us would like to be thought of as mature Christians. There could be no better compliment than for someone to say, He is a mature Christian. 1. Gods view of us is what really counts. 2. Let us study the marks of a mature Christian so that we might be such ourselves. I. A MATURE CHRISTIAN IS ABLE TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL. Heb. 5:11-6:1 A. He exercises his senses upon the word of God. 1. It is the Scripture that make the man of God perfect. 2 Tim. 3:16-17 B. Through diligent study, when issues arise, he can make decisions. 1. Some show their immaturity when they are not able to decide. 2. We often hear people say, I dont see any difference between the two churches, when there are definite important issues involved. 3. Indeed, ones eternal destiny can be involved and the weak and immature will not be able to see it. II. A MATURE CHRISTIAN STRIVES TO PLEASE HIS MASTER. Luke 6:40 A. Jesus always did those things which pleased the Father. John 8:29 1. We should not seek to please ourselves, but the Lord. 2 Tim. 2:4 2. We should not seek to please other men, but the Lord. Gal. 1:10 a. We should always seek to be an asset to the cause of the Lord wherever we might be. (1) Illustration: Should a young couple become a part of a large thriving church, or go to a small struggling church where they are truly needed? III. A MATURE CHRISTIAN IS NOT EASILY CARRIED AWAY BY FALSE DOCTRINE. Eph. 4:11-15 A. He knows and loves the truth and is not easily deceived or beguiled. 1. He doesnt take a non-committal attitude toward error; in fact, he upholds and encourages the preaching that exposes it. Psalm 119:104; Rom. 12:9 B. False teachers prey on the immature and avoid the mature. 1. Illustration: At times, some establish their views by going to the weaker members. IV. A MATURE CHRISTIAN IS NOT EASILY MOVED BY PERSECUTION. James 1:4-5 A. He knows persecutions and hardships will come. Acts 14:22 1. He knows that persecutions will approve or disapprove him before God. 1 Pet 1:6-7; 4:12-13 2. He knows that hardships and difficulties will work patience and make him stronger in the end. B. A mature Christian will receive criticism and reproof without being moved. 1. He does not resent correction, nor become angry with the one who administers it. He does not try to get even with the one who criticizes him. 2. Prov. 9:8-9; 12:1; Psalm 141:5. 3. Illustration: Some want the honor and praise due the mature, but cannot receive the criticism that goes with them. We need mature Christians who pursue the right course in spite of all objections. You cant have the roses without the thorns. V. A MATURE CHRISTIAN KEEPS HIS HEART RIGHT WITH GOD. 1 Chron. 28:9; 1 Kings 8:61 A. In spite of this, Solomon failed in this matter. 1 Kings 11:4 B. We must keep our hearts with all diligence. Prov. 4:23 1. We must keep our hearts attuned to spiritual things. Col. 3:1-2 2. We should not set our affections on material things. The mature Christian does not have the love of money, or the love of things money can buy. He does not love the pleasures of this world. 3. We must deny ourselves of certain things--of anything that would hinder us from serving the Lord. Luke 9:23 VI. THE MATURE CHRISTIAN STRIVES TO PERFECT FAITH AND HOLINESS. A. He grows in faith. 1 Thess. 3:10 1. Faith is made perfect by works. James 2:22 B. He perfects holiness. 2 Cor. 7:1 1. Drinking, dancing, gambling, indecent and immodest dress, are not practiced by the mature. 2. Illustration: On determining her dress, one young lady said she watched what the most mature, godly women wore, and tried to dress similar to them. VII. THE MATURE SINCERELY WORK TOWARD UNITY. 1 Cor. 1:10 A. In matters of faith and doctrine he is unwilling to compromise. 1. True unity is based upon Gods great platform of unity. Eph. 4:3-7 2. Unity in error is worse than division to preserve the truth. B. In matters of opinion or human judgment, he will not condone or encourage any effort to alienate brethren and divide a congregation. 1. Envy, strife, and division are evidences of immaturity. 1 Cor. 3:1-3 2. Love, mercy, and unity are evidences of maturity. Phil. 2:1-4 C. Where brethren stand divided, the mature Christian prays and works toward unity. VIII. HE BRIDLES HIS TONGUE. James 3:2 A. Controlling ones tongue is very difficult, but must be done. James 1:26 1. The mature Christian understands how much damage the tongue can do. a. Illustration: We soon learn by experience not to say things about others that we dont want them to hear. Eccl. 10:20 2. Also, he does not act childishly over things that have been said about him. Eccl. 7:21-22 a. A mature Christian is not easily offended; his feelings are not easily hurt. b. The immature are prone to feel neglected, overlooked, mistreated. (1) Some are always looking for something at which to take offense and ever finding it. c. The mature do not begin a verbal war against those whom they feel have said something bad about them or mistreated them. IX. THE MATURE CHRISTIAN HAS LOVE. Col. 3:14 A. He has genuine love toward his brethren. Rom. 12:9-10 B. He has genuine love toward God. 1 John 2:5; 4:12,18 X. THE MATURE CHRISTIAN RELIES ON HIS HEAVENLY FATHER. A. It is only by the help of God that we will succeed. Heb. 13:20-21; 1 Pet. 5:10 B. If we are saved at all in that great day, it will be because we relied on the Father to carry us through. Concl. A. These are high marks. There is nothing light or trivial about becoming a mature Christian. B. It is a matter of constant application; we cannot let up, stand still, or go backwards. 1. Other things cannot mean more to us. C. Let us earnestly strive toward maturity.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 18:33:48 +0000

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