Bible and Menora Daily Devotional January 12 And after six - TopicsExpress


Bible and Menora Daily Devotional January 12 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart ... Matthew 17:1 Scripture records three times when Jesus took Peter, James, and John apart from the others to minister to them in very definite and special ways. Interestingly, each of those occasions dealt with death ... The first time Jesus singled out Peter, James, and John, He took them into the house of Jairus, whose daughter had died. After moving out the mockers, Jesus brought the young girl back to life, and Peter, James, and John saw that He was victorious over death. On a second occasion, Jesus would take them into a garden called Gethsemane. As He prayed, ‘Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me. Nevertheless, not My will but thine be done,’ Peter James, and John would understand that He was submitted to death. And here in Matthew 17, Jesus takes the three up the mountain where they will see Him glorified in death. I believe Peter, James, and John needed these special times of instruction concerning death because these three apostles would each have very unique encounters with death ... Peter would be the first disciple to be told of his death. In John 21, Jesus said, ‘Peter, they’re going to stretch out your hands and carry you where you don’t want to go.’ And that is exactly what happened when Peter was crucified upside down. James was the first disciple put to death — sawed in half lengthwise by his persecutors. John was the last of the disciples to die. Banished to the seemingly God-forsaken island of Patmos, it was a ninety-year-old John who received the Book of Revelation. The Lord uniquely prepared Peter, James, and John for what each of them would face. And He will do the same for you. He will prepare you through Bible studies, radio programs, friends, and books for what lies ahead for you personally. It’s amazing to me how I’ll study something or hear something only to discover a week later that a situation arises in which I need that exact information. Remain sensitive to His voice and then see the Lord’s faithfulness in lovingly preparing you for what lies ahead. This Daily Devotional is an excerpt from the book A Days Journey by Pastor Jon.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:43:31 +0000

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