Bible study was pretty good today. The pastor seems to have gotten - TopicsExpress


Bible study was pretty good today. The pastor seems to have gotten over the initial shock of who I am, and we can talk about whats happening. He does see supernatural stuff and he says that he has seen an increase in the number of occurrences now. For me, the type of coincidence that I might see once a week, I now see constantly every few seconds. Everytime I look at something, I see that it has been edited by the Consciousness of Reality. I have this weird stuff going on all around me at all times. I know its not me because I can take pictures of this stuff with a cell phone and look at it later and it still makes sense. You would not be able to do that if this was a delusion. I know that what I am seeing is real. Its a whole new level of consciousness and awareness that includes constant, continuous miracles and signs going on at all times. Life has suddenly become more awesome than I ever thought it could become. And Thursday is the 22nd of the month. Whenever something really major has happened in my life, its always been on the 22nd. Ive spent the last two days at the district court in the Public Safety Building. I will be there for a few hours again today getting restraining orders. Im also getting familiarized with the new systems for filing motions with the courts. You guys let your mayor tell you that I was bullshitting about being a paralegal. The fact is, I dont need no lawyer to file a lawsuit. All I need is to know how to file the paperwork. And I know how to file the paperwork that waves the filing fees so that I dont have to pay for them. The state pays for all of my court filings for me. Its a beautiful system if you know how to use it. Thats why lawyers get the big bucks. They know how to access the system and they know how to produce the documents that need to be produced in order to get the desired results from the courts actions. They know how to make the arguments. You dont need to be a licensed attorney to file lawsuits. You just need that attorneys license if you are going to do it for other people for a fee. Then you need to be an attorney, but if you are just filing lawsuits on your own behalf, you dont need any kind of license at all. All you need is the know-how. And I know how to get know-how. And I got it a long time ago. I always knew that there was a reason that God trained me to be a paralegal and to know how to get a law struck down was something that almost all lawyers never even come close to accomplishing. Wow. Check this link out. I can see myself in the paper from 14 and a half years ago.,2081625 Wow. Google has the actual copies of the old Spokesman-Review newspapers scanned into a database that you can look at for free. Dont pay for any subscriptions for those archive sites that want to charge you money.,2081625 If you dont see it, just look for the lower left corner of the front page of the Spokesman-Review on May 25th, 1981. Thats when they put my picture with my business partner standing in front of the car that they impounded. Anyway, Im so glad that God taught me how to file lawsuits. God knew that some day that I would be looking out the kitchen window and suddenly see the solution to all of my problems. I can see the Spokane County Courthouse from my kitchen window really easily. I like going down to that campus actually. I have spent a lot of time there in my life. I remember riding my bicycle over there when I was 12 years old in 1968 and I watched them excavate for the foundation of that building. I remember people were mad because they were ripping up the courthouse campus to build this new big ugly building right behind it. Now its old and ready to be torn down. Yep,.. this is the future. Me dealing in the end of the world. The end of the world that everybody thinks is never going to happen. The end of the world that has to happen. The end of the world for some, is the beginning of Heaven for others. The idea is to know that change is always coming and so to be on the right side of that change when it gets here. And change always gets here. You people at that bar just dont realize what your boy Bill Harvey did for me. What a chump. Its going to be fun to see the gnashing of teeth. And I know that there is going to be some. Those were some really laughable lies that Hartnett/Lorenzen told my landlord about where she lives and whats going on around here. Now everybody knows that shit head Harvey stepped on my civil rights hard enough to cause a major lawsuit for the deep pockets that signed the lease for the apartment downstairs below me. She told me that she had permission from the landlord to do what she was doing. She be a big liar. Everybody is finding out now that she be a big liar about a lot of things. Those big lies are coming home to roost. You morons dont really know how Karma works. The karmic increase become exponential when you do something like bear false witness against somebody who is perfectly innocent. Thats an act thats just like shooting yourself in the leg. The more you like about a perfectly innocent man, the more you shoot yourself. Its actually pretty funny from my point of view. Its actually going to be hilarious for me to watch you people all fall down and cry like babies. And you will cry like babies before this is over. Before this is over, you are going to wish that you had never been born. And all you have to do to stop it all instantly is to pick up the phone and call me up and sincerely apologize and ask for forgiveness. Its your choice. Take the beating of your life or admit that you were wrong. Which way will you choose? This is actually a microcosm of what I am going to do to the world right after I do it to the area surrounding my Microcosm of Paradise. You stupid idiots are practice dummies. https://youtube/watch?v=C-W40iW2MRs
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 11:32:28 +0000

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