BibleEtcMarch082014 I am committed daily to reading daily from - TopicsExpress


BibleEtcMarch082014 I am committed daily to reading daily from the Old Testament; also from the New; something from the Qur’an; and a hadith. And, I am posting daily comments on Facebook. OT from a Bible Survey I had put together, with twelve sessions for a Muslim/Christian group. Turning now to the Kethuvim or Writings. Psalm 150. Wow, with all those cymbals, worship in the Temple at Jerusalem must have been quite loud! NT from Session Six of the Twelve Week Survey Mark 11:1-19. Palm Sunday. Jesus rides into Jerusalem to the praises of the crowds. The withering of a fig tree, quite frankly, a puzzling story. Jesus drives the money changers out of the temple. Instead of “den of thieves” the Common English Bible has “a hideout for crooks” a quite lively translation. Quran 5:3. I will print in full, and then comment: 3You are forbidden to eat carrion; blood; pig’s meat; any animal over which any name other than God’s has been invoked; any animal strangled, or victim of a violent blow or a fall, or gored or savaged by a beast of prey, unless you still slaughter it [in the correct manner]; or anything sacrificed on idolatrous altars. You are also forbidden to allot shares [of meat] by drawing marked arrows as lots, to determine the will of the idols (see verse 90).practice–– today the disbelievers have lost all hope that you will give up your religion. Do not fear them: fear Me. Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My blessing upon you, and chosen as your religion islam: [total devotion to God]; but if any of you is forced by hunger to eat forbidden food, with no intention of doing wrong, then God is most forgiving and merciful. A similar list of forbidden food is given Noah as he leaves the ark. See Genesis 9:3-4. That list is renewed (similar) in Acts 15:20, which lists a minimal ethic for Gentiles to be allowed full membership in the Christian church. I like the note of mercy, that if there is simply no other food available, a person may eat the prohibited food, a mark of mercy. Hadith. Sahih Al-Bukhari Book 3. Chapter 19. Verse 81 page 94-95. A hadith I don’t understand about Muhammad being angry when asked to give a couple of rulings. I am home today from the clergy conference at Camp Weed. I was able to encourage some of my fellow clergy to lose weight. I am glad to be losing weight. I had to ponder how long I could have so abused my body without severe health consequences. Blood sugar today 89. Blood pressure 159/86. My weight is a new low: 239#! I am now 51# under my gross maximum of 290#, and there still remain 59# of fat and blubber to get my goal of 180#. I have accomplished 46% of goal, and am well aware that 54% of the goal remains to be accomplished. Exercise is Royal Canadian Air Force online. I follow 5BX for men; there is XBX for women. I now wear 44” trousers, down from a high of 50”. No MORE coffee for me through Lent. I do enjoy a cup of hot tea: better for me than a pot of coffee. Giving up something good that’s part of God’s creation. By giving up something good for 46 days, I will focus more on God’s claim in my life. And, go give up a very bad habit… no more nail biting. It’s gotten the worst of a lifetime. Clergy conference continues until after non-existent lunch. Saturday I will lead a discussion of Mark 1 – 10 for a Christian/Muslim study group Saturday; drop in on a cleaning party at Mediator; 2 pm is historical society.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 12:45:00 +0000

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