Biden and Clinton: Friends With Awkward Twist By AMY - TopicsExpress


Biden and Clinton: Friends With Awkward Twist By AMY CHOZICK Published: September 14, 2013 In December 2011, pollsters working for President Obama’s re-election campaign asked voters in battleground states a question: Would you be more likely to vote for Mr. Obama if Hillary Rodham Clinton were to campaign for him? Of course, Mrs. Clinton, if she remained secretary of state, could not participate in a political campaign. So the poll, and the former first lady’s popularity, only intensified speculation that Mr. Obama was considering moving Mrs. Clinton onto his ticket, replacing Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. The idea never gained traction, but all the chatter irritated Mr. Biden. The next year, when a draft of the president’s speech for the annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner included a joke about dropping Mr. Biden from the ticket, Mr. Obama edited it out, fearing that the subject would upset Mr. Biden. By all accounts, Mr. Biden and Mrs. Clinton have enjoyed a genuine friendship starting in the first days of her husband’s presidential administration, with shared Amtrak rides when they were in the Senate and, during Mr. Obama’s first term, early Saturday morning phone calls that Mr. Biden sometimes ended with “I love you, darling.” But their relationship has also been shaped by awkwardness and slights, real and perceived, that Mr. Biden and his political advisers have felt as Mrs. Clinton attracted outsize attention and influence in the Democratic Party. Now their friendship is being tested anew, as curiosity grows about their possible presidential candidacies for 2016 and Mr. Biden finds himself once again frustratingly eclipsed by the former first lady, whom Senate colleagues are already endorsing and political action committees are springing up to support. Mr. Biden’s longtime political advisers grow easily exasperated about the subject and wonder how a sitting vice president who was highly engaged in the administration, especially on foreign policy, can be so easily overlooked in the presidential discussion. After all, recent vice presidents, like Al Gore, George Bush and Walter F. Mondale, generally secure their party’s nomination if they seek it. “The undercurrent of ‘What about me?’ permeates from the top down in the vice president’s orbit,” one former administration official said. On Sunday, Mr. Biden will visit the steak fry hosted by Senator Tom Harkin in Indianola, Iowa. The event, a 36-year-old tradition and a customary stop for presidential hopefuls, is fueling greater interest in Mr. Biden’s intentions. Mr. Harkin told Radio Iowa last week that the vice president would find “fertile ground in Iowa” if he chose to run. Mr. Biden has recently visited other crucial voting states, including South Carolina, where he will return after the Iowa event to talk about jobs and infrastructure. He canceled a fund-raising event for Gov. Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire when his son Beau, who is the state attorney general in Delaware, fell ill in August. Aides say they cannot really imagine a situation in which Mr. Biden would run against Mrs. Clinton. But Mr. Biden, 70, is keenly sensitive to perceptions about his political stature, and he is sending signals that he wants to be taken seriously in the 2016 conversation. He also wants to maintain maximum leverage within the Democratic establishment, especially with the Clintons, three people close to him said. “Joe always says, ‘If you’re not on your way up, you’re on your way down,’ ” one of the people said. A former administration official aide agreed, saying, “He needs to make people think he has skin in the game in the future so that they treat him relevant now.” Mr. Biden, those close to him say, will make no decision about his future until questions about his son’s health are resolved. “The vice president is focused on being vice president and making the president’s second term as productive as possible,” said Kendra Barkoff, a spokeswoman for Mr. Biden. Mr. Biden does not express resentment about the attention Mrs. Clinton receives, several people close to him said, and he recognizes the history-making potential of the first female president. But his camp clearly feels that his record is underappreciated, especially on foreign policy. One person close to the vice president suggested that while Mrs. Clinton elevated important issues surrounding women and girls as secretary of state, Mr. Biden took on tougher questions. The Obama administration “never gave Hillary the policy blueprint for Iraq” — an issue in which Mr. Biden was heavily involved, that person said. And while Mrs. Clinton was known for her grueling travel schedule, Mr. Biden also covered a lot of ground. (Aides said the distance traveled is arbitrary but added that Mr. Biden has traveled nearly 700,000 miles, compared with Mrs. Clinton’s 956,733 miles.) “He’s traveled nearly as much as Hillary; hundreds of thousands of miles he’s flown,” said John Marttila, a longtime adviser to Mr. Biden. “If you compared their travel records, it’s probably similar. And he’s had a more dedicated presence in Iraq than anyone.” During Mr. Obama’s first term, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Biden often found themselves agreeing on foreign policy issues. They did clash on the surge in Afghanistan in 2009, which Mr. Biden opposed and Mrs. Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates supported. But they often found more common ground than either of them had with Mr. Obama, and they ended up trying to bring Mr. Obama closer to their positions. During the 2011 protests in Egypt, Mr. Biden and Mrs. Clinton both took a “devil you know” approach and, more than Mr. Obama did, saw benefits to keeping President Hosni Mubarak in power. They had a standing Tuesday morning breakfast appointment at the vice president’s residence at the Naval Observatory. “He has a deeper relationship with her, quite frankly, than the president or any of us have with her,” said David Plouffe, a former senior adviser to Mr. Obama, who emphasized the longevity of the Biden-Clinton bond. Mrs. Clinton’s relationship with Mr. Biden goes back to the 1992 presidential campaign and the affinity that developed between her husband and Mr. Biden during their work on a sweeping 1994 crime bill. Mr. Clinton and Mr. Biden shared a modest background and a down-home style of retail politics that bonded them in the early years of the administration. The 2008 presidential campaign brought reminders, though, of the gap in stature between Mr. Biden and Mrs. Clinton. Even at the steak fry in Iowa in 2007, as Mr. Biden shook hands and ate greasy food, the crowd was “packed with Hillary and Obama buses as far as the eye could see,” recalled one Biden campaign aide. That same year, during a debate on CNN, Mr. Biden erupted with mock outrage when the host Wolf Blitzer directed a question his way, after a lengthy back-and-forth between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama. “Oh no, don’t make me speak,” he said. When Mr. Biden was chosen as Mr. Obama’s running mate, his relationship with the Clintons was considered a plus. Toward the end of the grueling 2008 Democratic primary season, Mr. Obama had asked Mr. Biden to reach out to Mrs. Clinton to try to mend wounds as she considered dropping out of the race. Mr. Biden was one of the first people Mrs. Clinton met with after her June concession speech. “In a town in which the word ‘friend’ is thrown around a lot, he and Hillary are truly friends from Day 1, going back to the Senate,” said Ted Kaufman, a longtime adviser who briefly took the Senate seat held by Mr. Biden in Delaware. Mrs. Clinton, who is 65, has offered no indication about when she will decide whether to run for president, and she has the luxury of time, given the infrastructure that is already being created for her, including Ready for Hillary, a political action committee that is raising money for her. And the vice president and Mrs. Clinton continue to stay in touch. They will have more regular breakfast meetings in the coming months, a Biden aide said. And this month, Mr. Biden is expected to participate in an event at the Clinton Global Initiative gathering in New York, where he will be joined by Mrs. Clinton, her husband and their daughter, Chelsea. Mrs. Clinton likes to call Mr. Biden “my kind of guy,” but they are quite different in political style. Mrs. Clinton is often perceived as inaccessible and buttoned-up, tending to lapse into wonk-speak. Mr. Biden is affectionate and freewheeling, prone to occasionally uncomfortable candor. Like the time he was campaigning in 2008 in Nashua, N.H., and an audience member said he was glad Mr. Obama had tapped Mr. Biden to be vice president instead of Mrs. Clinton. “Make no mistake about it, Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am,” Mr. Biden said, jumping to his former rival’s defense. “And quite frankly, she may have been a better pick than me.”
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 04:05:56 +0000

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