Big Congrats to Dr. Burk!! Dr. Burk is Awarded a $25,000 - TopicsExpress


Big Congrats to Dr. Burk!! Dr. Burk is Awarded a $25,000 Grant!! Tamara L. Burk, John Reeves Endowed Chair of Leadership and professor of communication studies received a grant from the Sisters of Charity Foundation to create the Philanthropy, Leadership & Community Engagement (P.L.A.C.E.) Fellowship Program. The $25,000 grant will provide funds to pilot the program which is designed to increase students’ awareness of the impact of philanthropy on community not-for-profits, to create a comprehensive understanding of complex community issues, to develop program and policy leadership to impact change, and to make a commitment to statewide education through organizing and planning an annual Summit. The first 10 P.L.A.C.E. Fellows enrolled this fall, and have been meeting monthly with community leaders to discuss poverty in S.C. as it relates to social services, health care, hidden populations, and education. Dr. Burkwill be working with Ms. Katrina Spigner, (Senior Program Director for the Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolinaand adjunct faculty in the Division of Behavioral Studies and Human Inquiry)in directing this program which if successful in its first year will receive three more years of funding. This summer, Dr. Burk and Ms. Spigner presented two talks at the International Leadership Association’s Global Women and Leadership Conference in Pacific Grove, CA. Their first presentation focused on “What’s Faith Got to Do With it? When Gender, Race, and Faith Expectations Collide for African-American Women Leaders.” Their second talk, “When Being Put in Your Place Matters: The P.L.A.C.E. (Philanthropy, Leadership, and Community Engagement) Fellowship Program as a Model for Blazing Pathways to Comprehensive Community Change” unveiled the new partnership between Columbia College and The Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina. The ILA Inaugural Conference has received significant international attention recently with its release of a report entitled The Asilomar Declaration & Call to Action on Women and Leadership. The document includes declarations and calls for action around five sections: Increasing Equality in Power and Decision-Making, Helping Girls and Young Women Become Leaders, Expanding Leadership Education and Development Worldwide, Advancing Women in Leadership, and Identifying Critical Areas of Future Research. We are proud to be founding members of this grassroots effort.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:50:19 +0000

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