Big confession: I really have no interest in superheroes. Hold - TopicsExpress


Big confession: I really have no interest in superheroes. Hold your fire, though, and let me explain. Warning: opinions below. I dont like comic books in general, and while superhero comic books can have great ideas behind them[most notably Superman and the X-Men], the actual dialogue that gets written can be pretty dull and cliche(although this may be because I read mostly Spiderman comics as a kid), and also so many of them do that thing where they bold every other word for emphasis. ech. It gets old and samey to me very quick, and while I would occasionally read them as a kid, they really dont appeal to me now. superhero movies are very similar. I watch a lot of them in theaters because people rave about how great they are, and I watch them and Im like, yeah, that was a movie I mean, theyre not bad persay, they just dont leap out at me as great films. they seem to rely heavily on effects and slapstick and pretty one-dimensional characters (yes, Im specifically referring to the new Avengers and yes, I know that all of the different avengers personas are supposed to meld together and become like one big amorphous omni-character, but it honestly didnt hold together in the film). they also for the most part dont cover as much symbolic value or meta content, which is the sort of stuff I like to see in films. especially with kickass writers and directors such as Joss Freakin Whedon™, theres no excuse to be generic and always seem to follow the same general sort of plotlines. actually, it just now occurs to me that a lot of the new reboots of old comics are really appealing to those who read the comic books as kids. its sort of like fanservice. might have something to do with it. now, at this point I know what youre probably thinking. jacob, where is batman in all this? batman is the exception to everything. I love batman (but, yknow, not the character. the series.). heres why: batman himself isnt one-sided or one-dimensional hes not overpowered and he doesnt have any one weakness; hes just a human. and oh my holy christ the movies and the tv shows have some of the best symbolic value in any form of media ever. heres a list of just some of the issues that Batman: the animated series alone touches on: domestic abuse narcissism addiction explosive anger issues stockholm syndrome personal loss or loss of a loved one social rejection and bitterness and while other comics and shows may cover some similar issues from time to time, the batman series does it en masse and executes it flawlessly. in my opinion, its a perfect series.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 20:45:52 +0000

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