Big congratulations to the lovely Nikki on the save arrival of her - TopicsExpress


Big congratulations to the lovely Nikki on the save arrival of her perfect little girl, Evie Anaya :) Nikki attended nearly 3 terms of Daisy Birthing this year in Lymm and got the VBAC she hoped for. Im so glad you managed stand your ground with regards to induction and remember you letting me know about how unfavourable your cervix was at that sweep on the Tuesday... lo and behold, baby Evie decided it was her moment only 2 days later. Things can change so quickly :) Thank you so much for sharing your story and your beautiful first pictures xxx Just wanted to share my birthing experience and to say a huge thank you to you for all of your advice, after having a very medicalised birth with Amelia & Erin 7 years ago I wanted this experience to be different, and I know that attending 2.5 terms of classes ensured that i was able to make informed choices about my care. Evie Anaya Osborne arrived on Thursday 6th November at 03:28 (9 days) after due date, weighing a massive 10lbs 4oz eek! Following an emergency C-section with the girls i was classed as high risk this time mainly due to possibility of uterine rupture, i was under consultant care at Warrington and saw the consultant on my due date 28th October, the consultant wanted me booked in for a section on the 8th but as i had a different due date i wanted to work with my dates as long as everything was ok, the consultant wasnt keen and said hospital policy is 10 days over due date and my due date is as per scan! however knowing that i was confident on my dates i pushed back and managed to get an extra couple of days (small victory, i know) however given that i would be on a time limit if i was induced those additional 2 days could make all of the difference. I was booked in for a sweep at 41 weeks, when i arrived baby was fine but my blood pressure was very high, they put me on a monitor for 30 minutes and after 15 minutes it was back to normal so they were happy to go ahead with the sweep, unfortunately the midwife couldnt do the sweep as my cervix was unfavorable (posterior), they decided to book me in again 2 days later i also finally agreed to a date and was booked in to be induced on Monday 10th which i was immediately trying to avoid, so long walks and lots of bouncing on my ball were my daily activities! We decided to go to a local firework display on bonfire night with the girls and i was getting lots of braxton hicks especially when the firework display was on (i was hoping the noise would get little miss Osborne moving), we returned home afterwards and with a little bit more bouncing on my ball i decided to go to bed at about 22:30. I woke up at 23:30 no pain just didnt feel myself is the only way i could describe it. I then started with what were contractions and lower back ache at 00:00, i quickly realised that there was a pattern in that they were every 7 minutes apart (eek)!! I was happy bouncing on my ball and doing my centered breath until about 01:00 when i thought i best wake up my husband as he was blissfully unaware of what was happening!! Both of our focuses then changed to arranging childcare for the girls as i hadnt planned on my contractions being so close together from the start, having sorted that out and calling the labor ward they told me to call back when my contractions were 3/4 minutes apart, i would be a few hours yet, how wrong they were. Matt started to time my contractions and by 01:30 they were every 2 minutes and i could see he was getting slightly panicked, after sorting out the girls clothes for school the next day and applying my makeup (if baby was making an appearance tonight i at least needed some mascara :-) On the way to the hospital i had to switch to the escalator breath, mainly i think due to my positioning in the car and the contractions were coming one after the other but i remained calm and focused, i kept picturing riding that wave and looking forward to the small break i had in between. On arrival at the hospital which was about 02:00 they took me straight through to the delivery suite as they could see i was well on my way, i had to go straight onto a monitor due to previous c section, so also had to lie on the dreaded bed, my midwife was very supportive and said i could get upright as long as everything was ok, after being examined i was 8.5cm (result) but Evies heartbeat kept dropping with my contractions so they said i really needed to stay on the bed and the monitor but rather than lie down i was able to sit upright and move onto my left side to help with better positioning, they broke my waters at about 02:30 and then let me carry on with my breathing, they offered me some dia-morphine which i refused as i was quite happy with how i was coping with my breathing I did try the gas and air but but as i was still doing the escalator breather i wasnt getting any benifit from it. At about 03:00 i had a definate feeling of needing to push so tried to move to the out breath, the midwife checking me over and she could already see babys head, however the midwife was concerned about Evie and her heartbeat decelerations so said i would need to start pushing (purple pushing wasnt on my plan)!! I could see her decelerations on the monitor and the midwife asked for another midwife to support and with guidance from them i started to push, the next 20 minutes were a bit of a blur bar the midwives telling me that baby was coming very quickly, after 2/3 big pushes they said all i needed was one more push and baby would be born and they were right, it was amazing! Evie was delivered straight onto my chest and i managed delayed cord clamping, Matt cut the cord after about 2/3 minutes. I needed to have a couple of stitches which they did whilst daddy had a little bit of bonding time, then i manged to get Evie to have her first feed. I think i am still a little shocked with how quick it all was, 3hrs 28 minutes in total and only 1hr 28 minutes from arrival at the hospital. despite the monitoring and the purple pushing i couldnt be happier with my birthing experience, i felt in control and informed and even surprised myself that i did it with no pain relief. Evie is an amazing addition to our family Love Nikki xx
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:43:41 +0000

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