Big day tomorrow that caps off 2 years of hard work on Christian - TopicsExpress


Big day tomorrow that caps off 2 years of hard work on Christian Mingle The Movie as it releases on DVD. For those who keep asking, no this isnt a spoof but rather a romantic comedy set in the world of online dating and the story generates from a girl who uses the popular Christian Mingle site to find a decent guy and when she does, the world is almost perfect, except maybe the little fib about BEING CHRISTIAN. I thought it was a funny premise and a good place to begin a girl meets boy story. Ive taken quite a bit of heat over the last few years about the movies Im making - faith based movies - Christian movies - but Ill tell you what - Im proud of them and given the circumstances of the world today - I believe they are all the more poignant and have great purpose if nothing more that a counterbalance to the world outside my window. Are they perfect? No, certainly not. But they are from the heart - like it or not. I so appreciate all of you who have supported me and continue to support me. None of this is about being Christian, or one thing or another - its about seeking truth, truth in what Im feeling and sharing it. Its not my goal to change anyone, to convert people, but rather to simply, perhaps, make people think a bit while being entertained by both tears and laughter. Its about joining the conversation and letting you know that you dont have to agree or even disagree... just be a part of it, share your humanity with others. Okay, enough. Christian Mingle out tomorrow on DVD. So many thanks to so many that gave their time, heart and love to this project. Actors and crew. You are family. You should be proud. I certainly am. Love to all. Enjoy! christianminglethemovie
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 06:41:18 +0000

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