Biggest Myth-Brahmins hate Dravidians. (The base reason for - TopicsExpress


Biggest Myth-Brahmins hate Dravidians. (The base reason for creation of a false Dravidian movement which fostered Brahmin Hatred to divert anger of so called Shudra and panchama communities from themselves that is the other forward classes) It cant be possible as there is no and was never any community or ethnicity called Dravidian distinct and separate from south Indian Brahmins. This the biggest myth that has been sought to be projected now over hundred odd years. The criminals who started this canard for their own narrow political and power hunger needs were themselves from Forward community who wanted to finish the dominance of Brahmins in all walks of life. Read on- There is nothing called Dravidian. It does not connote any ethnicity. People who speak Tamil, telugu, malayalam and Kannada language are said to be speaking a Dravidian language. It has no race associated with it. Brahmins of the south spoke their own regional language to the area which they belonged and hence they also are Dravidians. However some cunning members of the forward community other than brahmins in their blind rage against the dominance of brahmins (not due to racial reasons but due their hard work and commitment) sought to create a divide in the Hindu community to subjugate and remove them from positions of power. Hence the myth of Dravidian as an ethnicity distinct from brahmins who now they started classifying as Aryans. A demonic organization called Justice party was created by some of these other forward classes which included people of Kshatriya (Naidu, Naickers and Rajus, Devars )and vysya( chettiar, Chetty, Gounder and Mudaliar) and a few (very few) from shudra and eerily none from panchamas as it was these people who formed the justice party who hated panchamas (who they treated as bonded labour) to unleash a hate Brahmin Pogrom to render brahmins power less and weak so they could usurp the positions occupied by brahmins in the British Government system in India. The initial object was to remove dominance of Brahmins from secondary positions (Next to Britishers). Post independence after several failed attempts to stop Brahmin ascendency the co founders of Justice party created another demonic organization called Dravida Kazhgam and promoted the myth of a Dravidian community which is subjugated by Brahmins (when actually it was the community these dastards belonged to which had subjugated, ill treated and misused Sudras and panchamas) for centuries. Gullible people got deluded that they are Dravidians or wanted to believe falsely this canard seeing that it could accrue some benefits. Dravidian is a myth created by evil people (belonging to other Forward class communities) to show brahmins as the common enemy and cleverly divert the anger of Shudras and Panchamas towards Brahmins and escape the wrath of these people and gain significant benefits for themselves. The current Dravidian Parties (All of them without exception) promote what is falsely called social justice to cling to power by providing unjustified sops like reservation. We must destroy all these dastardly Dravidian parties. Brahmins should unite in this cause.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 13:04:10 +0000

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