Biktima ng Inopacan Massacre, wala pa rin hustisya. The - TopicsExpress


Biktima ng Inopacan Massacre, wala pa rin hustisya. The Communist Mass Grave in Leyte https://vincenton.wordpress/2013/07/12/the-communist-mass-grave-in-leyte/ One of the best assets of the communists is their exceptional ability to lie and create tall tales and propaganda. I’ve had a lot of online encounters with some feeble-minded, delusional communists who will do everything to defend their evil ideology, like giving death threats to anyone who tries to oppose them, trolling Facebook groups and blogsites that expose the evil of communism, resorting to personal and ad hominem attacks, and displaying their utter idiocy, lies, and downright stupidity. These heavily brainwashed communists deeply believe that socialism is the solution to poverty, corruption, and all problems and crises this country is currently faced with. When confronted with the self-evident fact that Stalin and Mao Tse Tung killed hundreds of millions of their own people during peace time, they would resort to evasion and claim that Soviet Russia and Maoist China were not representatives of socialism. The system is perfect but not the dictators, they claim. They refuse to understand that a political system that abrogates individual rights is an invitation to any potential dictator to use it against an unthinking, gullible people. This is the very reason why we must be very interested in politics and careful about choosing the wrong political-economic system. Now I’d like to share this post I discovered on an online forum. It was posted by alexx1911A1. This is about the gruesome mass murder of the communists in Leyte. I’m posting it verbatim. Roughly two decades after the sought-after carnage in Inopacan Leyte was made public, seeking justice for just twelve (12) of the identified unearthed victims was thought to be heading nowhere. The breakthrough of corroborated testimonial evidences and end results of conducted Anthropological and Pathological examinations that identified Conception Eras, Gregorio Eras, Romeo Tayabas, Crispin Prado, Rolando Vasquez, Junior Milyapis, Pablo Daniel, Crispin Dalmacio, Juanita Aviola, Zacarias Casil, Restituto Ejoc and Teodoro Recones came close to a stalemate. That is as its alleged perpetrators – the NPA hierarchy shrugged various charges as mere part of Governments Anti Communist Scheme and Political ploy. But the stinging rationale left unanswered in this charade of finger pointing is that the Communist Party neither negated nor admitted the divulged staging of purging or “cleansing operation” that could have led to this mass executions of believed government informants and lowly civilians unsupportive of the NPA’s cause all over the country such as those within eastern Visayas particularly in Inopacan. As doubts drag the case and victim’s relatives slowly lose hope, the arrests of key orchestrator of said crime dug salient pieces of the murder puzzle that was supposedly done within 1985-1992 by the red Army. This Include Randall Echaniz and Jaime Soledad, who now faces charges of fifteen (15) counts of multiple murder cases in Palo, Leyte. And Just recently the arrest of yet another NPA merciless executioner- Norberto Murillo alias “ka Norly” in Amparo Village, Caloocan city. After a year of hiding, Murillo utterly effaced that the government is leaving the case to rot. These investigation corroborated with efforts to put murderers behind bars give Filipinos a reason to trust in the justice system again. That the full force of the law is in intact and that no matter in which hinterland a culprit thinks he can hide, arms of justice is just cunning and wide. Ironically, just as Murillo would be facing charges he had long been evading since March 2006, human rights group now clutter the mainstream with crusades against its supposed enforced disappearance and endured military tortures. His Arrest was either celebrated nor appreciated by this crowd. In Fact, they castigate the procedureand even question testimonies of living witnesses who happened to escape the slaughter. In addition they turn a deaf ear on statements given by Glecerio Roluna, arrested Secretary of the NPA Southern Leyte Front Committee who admitted to the killings of more than thirty five (35) persons duly ordered upon by the CPP and NPA hierarchy rooting from Jose Maria Sison and Satur Ocampo themselves. These personas were not on lip service on said purging, Roluna testified having seen them in Mt. Sapang Dako, Inopacan, Leyte personally overseeing the inhumane slaughter and pinpointing one target to the next. But Just how gruesome is the Leyte Mass Murder? On August 26, 2006, elements of the 43rd Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army broke silence after it dug a mass grave site of the CPP/NPA at eastern Visayas. As recovery efforts took its toll, sixty seven (67) severely deteriorated skeletal remains were found . Most of these victims bear brutal marks of crushed skulls still wrapped with blind folding cloth. These victims suffered severe flesh-wounds and broken bones even before they were hammered down with multiple bullet shots. Their death remains the most painful in Philippine Forensic to include the fact that others were even buried alive while most were mutilated in pieces. The death-marks of this 67 victims were believed works of disrupt minds enclosed by the abhorrent truth that one thing they did wrong was living in peace outside of the CPP and NPA’s communist thought. It is not as easy as ABC’s when people’s lives are at stake between warsconcetualized by the ideology of the few such as that of the rebel group led by Murillo and others like him. Being a non-believer which makes innocent civilians vulnerable to abuse and even victimzed by these criminals is something the government cannot just keep mum and tolerate. Thus, the public demands that these band of slaughterers are put in trial and subsequently pay for the juice of the violence they displayed. The people appreciate the effort of Echaniz, Soledad and Murillo’s Arrest but hopeit be more than just a bailed crime. Let the Leyte murder Victim’s story to be retold and imprinted on the Filipino consciousness and along with it the needed assurance that the government stays on people’s side and will protect its cause at all legal-binding cost.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 06:01:06 +0000

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