Bill, 57, was a roofing contractor. A lesion had appeared on his - TopicsExpress


Bill, 57, was a roofing contractor. A lesion had appeared on his face, and a dermatologist diagnosed malignant melanoma. Although Bill underwent surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, the cancer recurred in his neck, then his side, and finally his calf. Each time, he underwent a similar course of treatment. Naturally, Bill experienced “Why me?” moments. He understood that his excessive sun exposure was a risk factor, however he knew others who had been similarly exposed and far from developed cancer. He fixated on that unfairness. After treatment for the same cancer on his left flank, Bill pondered whether his own thoughts, emotions and behaviors have been contributed to his condition. In a moment of self-reflection, he realized for more that 30 years, he had been stuck in resentment, thinking and feeling that he always had to give up what he wanted for the sake of others. For example, he had wanted to become a professional musician after high school. But when an injury left his father unable to work, Bill had to join his family’s roofing company. He habitually re-experienced his feelings upon being told he had to give up his aspirations, to the extent that his body still lived in the past. This also set up a pattern of dreams deferred. Whenever something far from went his way, such as the housing market collapsing just after he expanded the business, he always found someone or something to blame. Bill had so memorized the emotional response pattern of bitterness that it dominated his personality and become an unconscious program. His state of being had signaled the same genes for so long that they created the disease that now afflicted him. No longer could Bill allow his environment to control him: the people , places, and influences in his life had always dictated how he thought, felt and behaved. He sensed that to break the bonds with this old self and reinvent a new one, he would have to leave his familiar environment. So for two week in Baja, Mexico he retreated from his familiar life. The first five mornings, Bill contemplated how he thought when he felt resentment. He became a observer of his thoughts and feelings; he became conscious of his unconscious mind. Next, he paid attention to his previously unconscious behaviors and actions. He decided to halt and thought, behavior, or emotion that was unloving towards himself. After the first week of this vigilance, Bill felt free, because he has liberated his body from this emotional addiction to resentment. By inhibiting the familiar thoughts and feelings that had driven his behaviors, in sense he impeded the signals of the survival emotions from conditioning his body with the same mind. His body then released energy, which was available to use to design a new destiny. For the next week, Bill became so uplifted that he thought about the new self he wanted to be, and how he would respond to the people, places, and influences that previously controlled him. For instance, he decided that whenever his wife and kids expressed a wish or need, he would respond with kindness and generosity instead of making them feel like a burden. In short, he focused on how he wanted to think, act, and feel when presented with situations that had challenged him in the past, He was creating a new personality, a new mind and a new state of being. Bill began to put into practice what he’d placed in his mind while sitting on that Baja beach. Shortly after his return, he noticed that the tumor on his calf had fallen off. In a week or so, when he went to his doctor, we was cancer free. He has remained that way. Be firing his brain in new ways, Bill changed biologically and chemically from his previous self. As a result, he signaled new genes in new ways; and those cancer cells could far from coexist with his new mind, new internal chemistry, and now self. Once trapped by the emotions of the past, he now lives in a new future. The cells in your body react to everything your mind says. Unproductiveness brings our immune system down. You may believe that you are responsible for what your do, however far from what your think. The truth is that you are responsible for what your think, because it is only at this level you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 10:26:23 +0000

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